
Taxi and private hire car licensing: guidance - third edition

Best practice guidance for local licensing authorities and taxi and private hire car operators on the licensing of taxis and private hire cars and their drivers.

Chapter 11 – local transport strategies

11.1 The Transport (Scotland) Act 2001 enables the Scottish Ministers to issue guidance to local transport authorities on the preparation of local transport strategies.

11.2 Taxis and private hire cars are an important link to the public transport chain, filling gaps in overall transport provision not least for those who do not have access to a car. Local licensing authorities are asked to consider the role that taxis and private hire cars play in public transport and ensure that the licensing system in place is appropriate to local needs and circumstances, including those of disabled people. In acknowledgement of the importance of taxis and private hire cars to the transport infrastructure, licensing authorities are encouraged as best practice to engage with operators and representative bodies including disability interests in any review of their transport strategies.

11.3 Taxis and private hire cars sit within the broader transport context: the National Transport Strategy identified that poor integration is a barrier to people choosing sustainable modes (active, public, or shared transport).

11.4 As set out in the second NTS Delivery Plan and Climate Change Plan update Monitoring Report, the Scottish Government is currently updating the guidance for discretionary local transport strategies to align with national and regional strategies. Local transport strategies will allow authorities to detail how they intend to deliver on national objectives at a local level, and provide an action plan for meeting local challenges and objectives.



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