
Taxi and private hire car licensing consultation: responses summary

Summary of consultation responses relating to the concerns raised about the impact of modern technology on the licensing regime for taxis and private hire cars as a result of the Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015.


The consultation document "Taxi and Private Hire Car Licensing – Impact of Modern Technology" ( ) was published on 21 March 2016. The consultation closed on 15 June 2016. Sixty-nine responses were received.

This report provides a summary of responses to each question in the consultation document. The information gathered through the consultation process will be considered along with other available evidence to help inform future policy.

Thirteen Local Authorities responded including urban and rural areas ("Local Authorities"). Twelve trade organisations responded representing both taxi and private hire and also traditional operators and newer entrants to the trade ("Trade Organisations"). Thirty three individuals (including ten who identified themselves as being from the taxi trade) submitted responses ("Individuals"). Five organisations responded representing a wide variety of disability and accessibility interests ("Disability and Accessibility Organisations"). Six other miscellaneous organisations representing a range of interests responded including legal, industry, government and enforcement bodies ("Miscellaneous Organisations").

Responses which expressly permitted publication have been published here:

A number of respondents did not give permission for their responses to be published.


During the Parliamentary passage of the Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015, concerns were raised about the impact of modern technology on the licensing regime for taxis and private hire cars and the Cabinet Secretary for Justice made a commitment to undertake further work. This summary of consultation responses forms part of that work.

Taxis are able to use taxi ranks and be hailed in the street as well as being pre-booked. However, a private hire car may not ply for hire in this way and must be pre-booked. Drivers of taxis and private hire cars are licensed by local authorities who administer the regimes. Also in 2009 the booking office licence was introduced to increase control and oversight of offices that take bookings for taxis and/or private hire cars. These arrangements allow local licensing authorities to require licences for taxis and private hire car vehicles, for drivers and for booking offices to ensure they provide safe services for the public.



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