
Teacher Panel meeting minutes and papers: March 2023

Minutes and papers from the Teacher Panel meeting on 7 March 2023

Items and actions


  • welcome and agreement of minutes from the last meeting
  • behaviour/violence in schools and its effect on staff workload and mental health
  • National Discussion
  • Professor Hayward – update on the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment 
  • any other business and close



Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills (Cab Sec), welcomed Teacher Panel members to the meeting and apologies were given on behalf of those unable to attend.

Behaviour/violence in schools and its effect on staff workload and mental health

The panel member who proposed the first agenda item was invited by Cab Sec to introduce it. The panel heard a summary of a survey that had been sent out to staff colleagues within the local authority area of the panel member.

It was noted that behaviour and violence in schools can have a significant detrimental effect on teachers’ workload and mental health. The presentation provided examples of disruptive behaviour and violence that are becoming prevalent across Scotland. The survey of the authority's schools found:

  • an average of 8.2 out of 10 teachers reported behaviour deteriorating in schools
  • an average of 7.22 out 10 teachers feel supported by staff
  • an average of 4.66 out of 10 teachers feel supported by their Senior Leadership Team
  • a lack of respect
  • an increase in extreme behaviours
  • an increase in pupils not attending class and wandering
  • an increase in parents not engaging

The panel noted and discussed the negative sway of certain social media influencers (e.g. Andrew Tate) and the range of societal challenges which are likely to be driving challenges with behaviour in schools. 

A Scottish Government (SG) official added that restorative practice is a key interest for the Scottish Government, and its effect on behaviour and violence in schools.

Cab Sec added that the issue is an important one to address and to discuss, and in particular to ensure that national guidance and policy are supporting teachers to address the issue. 

Comments from the Teacher Panel members included the following:

  • schools replicate society and it is clear that some sections of society are disengaged. Where families are unhappy or struggling as adults, this is then seen in children and young people in schools. This results in a lack of respect for authority and then staff can be pushed to their limits, in all settings
  • one of the consequences of the pandemic has been disengagement from society by some within our communities
  • early intervention is often unavailable. Primary schools can identify who can be challenging but there can be limits on what practitioners can do as the funding and support is provided to those aged 14+. We need to move faster to address issues in a preventative way
  • there is an improvement in behaviour when there is a focus on physical wellbeing in the curriculum
  • it is important to remember that the systems we currently have and use are not going to work with every child
  • teachers are desperate to make a difference, and their frustration with behaviour comes from a good place of wanting to make a difference for children

Cab Sec noted the comments from panel members and concluded that there needs to be a refresh in policy and approach, with a need for some challenging discussions to take place. Cab Sec invited the SG policy team to consider next steps.

National Discussion

Cab Sec welcomed Professors Carol Campbell and Alma Harris to the meeting and invited them to introduce the item. 

Professor Harris reinforced the fact that the National Discussion has been a significant engagement exercise and the extent and depth of the engagement has been impressive. It was noted in particular that Additional Support Needs have emerged significantly in the discussion.

Professor Campbell confirmed that the team had received almost 6,000 responses and these have provided an extensive range of information to consider. She highlighted that the discussion remains a work-in-progress. It was noted that adults who are involved in providing support to children are vital in providing them with the help they need to build a strong sense of self-achievement and wellbeing.

Professor Campbell noted that one of the key questions is: how do we adapt to this changing world? It was noted that there should not be a packed curriculum, and that there should be comprehensive continuing professional development. Another key finding was that in order to adapt and innovate, learning in the future needs to be developed by the profession. It was noted that the challenge now is to shift from a discussion to reality, and supporting this to happen in the future.

 Panel members made a number of comments including:

  • the professors were thanked for focusing strongly on inclusion and diversity. It was commented, however, that inclusion and diversity were still seen as part of a list, when in fact they need to be the foundation that holds up the list, and should be threaded throughout
  • Scottish education needs to be about quality learning and teaching opportunities for all children under the ethos of wellbeing and nurture. Wellbeing should underpin everything and physical wellbeing is a very important aspect of this
  • the vision is now more conclusive and there is a clearer sense of where we are going

Professors Harris and Campbell thanked the Teacher Panel members for their comments and concluded the agenda item by stating that leverage points need to be highlighted to transform the whole system.

Professor Hayward – update on the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment

Cab Sec invited Professor Hayward to introduce the third agenda item. Professor Hayward outlined the accompanying paper and highlighted its discussion points. In particular, the professor asked the Teacher Panel for its views on the diploma as a whole, as a record of achievements to carry onto the next stage of a young person’s life

The following points were made by panel members:

  • looking very carefully at Senior Phase, which has been the driver in secondary schools, is there a way of bringing achievements down the way into upper primary years/lower secondary years, in order to prevent it all coming down to S4?
  • this current phase is a very important phase of the consultation but due to timescales can we push the end point back in order that everyone is involved?
  • it would be helpful to see the profiling extended, especially for those learners in S4 who leave school but have no achievements
  • we need to ask the question as to what exams do we really need?
  • how are universities taking this change, are they on board?
  • this consultation has supported the vision. For personal pathways there will be radical re-scaling, it will be an issue
  • it is very important to be conscious of the role/influence of socio-economic equity in implementing these reforms. 

Professor Hayward concluded by stating that achievements should not be age/stage reviewed. The issue of timescales is that there is already an extension of the original and we need to determine how to ensure that all views and perspectives are taken on board. There are on-going discussions with universities about these changes as they need to use the evidence that comes from schools for the entry into different courses - there needs to be consistency between the two.

Professor Hayward thanked panel members for their input.


Paper one - behaviour and violence in schools


A Teacher Panel member has raised the issue of behaviour and violence in schools for discussion at the Teacher Panel meeting. They will introduce this item and provide a summary of evidence from a small-scale survey carried out via SSTA members within their local authority area on their experiences- of this issue.

Current context

Concerns have been raised by teaching unions and in the media about violence in schools, and its effect on teachers and on pupils’ learning and wellbeing.

National policy position

The focus on improving positive relationships and behaviour is central to the successful delivery of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) and the implementation of Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC). A key goal for the Scottish education system is to ensure that positive learning, behaviour and good relationships between pupils and teachers exists in all schools and that this is continually improving. The starting point is a positive ethos and a climate of mutual respect and trust, based upon shared values across whole school communities.

Our policy in Scotland is to support the prevention and management of behaviour in schools through a focus on relational rather than punitive approaches. These approaches are designed to ensure the continued engagement of children and young people in learning, to prevent exclusion and to address the root causes and underlying issues that lead to negative relationships and behaviour. This is a long-standing approach that has been developed over a number of years and has been supported throughout by the Scottish Advisory Group for Relationships and Behaviour in Schools (SAGRABIS).

Our strategic approach is informed by evidence provided by the longitudinal Behaviour in Scottish Schools Research (BISSR), which is usually carried out every four years. The research informs the development of policy, guidance and support by providing a clear and robust picture of current relationships and behaviour, and of policy and practice in this area. Following each research report, SAGRABIS considers the actions which should be taken, collectively, to address the concerns raised. The next iteration of BISSR is currently under way with a final report expected by the end of 2023.

Over time it has been established that a comprehensive, sustained, multi-stranded approach which provides a range of support to schools in order to meet pupils’ evolving needs is required. The research and engagement with SAGRABIS members is a cornerstone of the approach to relationships and behaviour policy in Scotland.

There is a wide range of strategies, programmes and approaches, such as restorative and nurture approaches, which schools can and do use to improve relationships and behaviour. Support for schools and local authorities is provided by Education Scotland (ES) which helps promote and embed these approaches. ES’s National Improvement Hub provides all of our practitioners, parents and young people with specific good practice models to review.

The Scottish Government published guidance in 2018 - ‘Developing a positive whole school ethos and culture: relationships, learning and behaviour’ - to support local authorities and schools to further improve the ethos and culture, and relationships and behaviour, in schools. This supplements guidance published in June 2017 - ‘Included, Engaged and Involved – Part 2 – preventing and managing school exclusions’ - which provides a focus on managing behaviour and approaches that can be used to prevent the need for exclusion and ‘Included, engaged and involved part 1: promoting and managing school attendancewhich takes the same relational approach to improving attendance and reducing absence from school.

There must be a clear distinction between violent attacks and other forms of prejudice such as racism, homophobia and gender-based violence and bullying.

The Scottish Government’s national anti-bullying policy, Respect for All, provides the overarching framework for all adults working with children and young people to address all types of bullying. We continue to fully fund respectme, Scotland’s anti-bullying service. respectme works with all adults who have a role to play in the lives of children and young people to give them the practical skills and confidence to deal with bullying behaviour, wherever it occurs. 

In 2019 we introduced a consistent national approach to recording and monitoring bullying incidents in schools. We commissioned HMIe to carry out a thematic inspection on how successfully the new approach had been implemented, which was published on 23 February. The report shows a number of positives but also highlights areas for improvement and we are taking immediate action on those points.

We have recently begun a planned review of Respect for All and will work with a wide range of stakeholders to understand what updates are required to the guidance to better support schools to prevent and respond to bullying. HMIe will also undertake a second phase of its thematic inspection, looking at good practice in how schools are responding to bullying. Education Scotland will publish this report later this year and the findings will inform our future work.

We are also engaging with SAGRABIS on the findings and what more can be done to support schools to support their children and young people. SAGRABIS will discuss this in more detail at its meeting on 29 March.

Questions for Teacher Panel to consider

  • what one thing have panel members done in school which has had a positive effect on relationships and behaviour for pupils and staff? 
  • what are panel members' views on the effect of nurturing/restorative approaches (particularly for challenging pupils and those with complex issues)? 
    • is there a need to revisit these and the support that is available for them? 
    • what needs to be in place for those approaches to work? 
  • what opportunities are there in light of the above to further support young people to recognise consequences and accountability for their actions? 

Paper two: update on phase three of the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment

Phase three consultation: a new model of qualifications and assessment

Scottish Diploma of Achievement

Thank you for taking part in this third and final phase of the independent review on qualifications and assessment in Scotland. This stage is final in that following consultation, a series of recommendations will be submitted to the Cabinet Secretary. However, the work on the future of qualifications and assessment will continue long after this review is completed. The partnerships developed during this review will remain crucial to ensure that the vision for the future of qualifications becomes a reality of every learner in Scotland.

Background to phase three of the review

This is tthe hird of three phases of the review designed to inform our work on the future of qualifications and assessment in Scotland. In phase one of the review, we consulted on the draft Vision and Principles. In the second phase, based on the Vision and Principles, we sought to explore options for a possible new approach to qualifications and assessment.

In support of phase three we have developed a potential new model for qualifications and assessment in Scotland that reflects the consultation findings. We are now seeking your views on a possible model for change.


In the first section of this paper, we set out the background to the review. In the second section, drawing on the consultation findings from phases one and two of this review, we offer a draft model which we invite views on. At the end of section two we invite any further suggestions you would wish to make.

Section one: background to the review

Why is this review taking place?

Society, both in Scotland and internationally, is changing and the pace of that change is ever increasing. Soral, (Deloitte2023) recently compared the coming changes as The Industrial Revolution for Human Intellect”. Scotland cannot be left behind. Recent experience during the COVID-19 pandemic renewed concerns about Scotland’s current qualification and assessment system. These include concerns that:

  • the current model is not sufficiently flexible
  • the current system does not serve all learners equally, particularly those from lower socio-economic backgrounds
  • there are gaps between the current skill base and the skills required to help the economy to grow and broader society to thrive

It is therefore appropriate that we now look ahead to design a qualification and assessment system that will recognise leaners’ progression, achievements and provide a strong platform for every learner to make that transition successfully.

What problems exist in the current system?

Many consider that, despite our best intentions, some aspects of our current system are not working as originally intended, (OECD, 2021) (OECD, 2021) (Muir, 2022). Participants in the review have raised further issues. Most of the concerns raised relate to National Qualifications (NQ). Examples of problems cited include -

  • there is a perceived overemphasis on gathering evidence of achievements only/mainly in subjects
  • three years of separate qualifications and associated assessment in schools have led to what is commonly described as the ‘two term dash’ towards final exams, and in turn this has a negative effect on learning and teaching
  • in recent years, the range of ways used to gather evidence in National courses has been reduced, although SQA plans to reintroduce some previous aspects e.g. project work, in National Qualifications
  • SQA offers a very wide range of courses, but the range of qualifications used, in particular in schools, is often limited

  • persistent socio-economic inequalities in achievements were brought to the fore following the Covid-19 algorithmic grade moderation

  • home educators report problems in accessing SQA qualifications

  • teaching and learning often focus on preparation for the assessment/exam and learners, in particular, feel that often their learning experiences have little connection with real life issues

  • there is a washback effect resulting from the use of National Qualifications as a metric of quality for schools and more importantly individual learners

This review is seeking to address these issues. 

A vision for the future of qualifications and assessment in Scotland

Phase one (developing a Vision and Principles for the future of qualifications and assessment) and phase two (exploring options for what these principles might look like in practice) were independently analysed and the model we present here takes into account our findings so far. The model is intended as an illustration of the direction of travel over time for qualifications and assessment in Scotland

In phase one, we consulted on the Vision and Principles and the latest draft of these is attached at Annex A. Please refer to the Vision and Principles when you consider the model and respond to the questions. 

Areas of general consensus about the future of qualifications and assessment in Scotland

In phase two of the review, we consulted on three major issues which have helped inform the design of a possible future model for qualifications and assessment:

  • what qualifications and assessment information should we gather?
  • how should information be gathered e.g., teacher assessment, examinations, oral reports, project work, open book examinations?
  • how should information on qualifications be presented?

A number of themes were identified from the analysis of the consultation undertaken throughout phase two. Very few, if any, proposals that are subjected to widespread consultation ever have universal support but issues identified in this section represent areas of general consensus. Importantly there is widespread agreement that there is a need for change and that the learner should be at the centre of every decision taken about their education.

There is also consensus:

  • on the information qualifications and assessment should gather 
    • qualifications and assessment should enable learners to demonstrate their progression and achievements that reflect the broader aspirations of CfE
    • learners should have opportunities to demonstrate their progression and achievements in areas they have studied in depth, subjects and technical professional courses
    • learners should be able to show how they can apply knowledge and demonstrate skills
    • there should be opportunities for more personalised information e.g., ways in which learners have contributed to communities and their interests and experiences in social, cultural or economic contexts
  • on how information for qualifications should be gathered
    • many learners who take National Qualifications have three consecutive years of examinations in individual subjects. This is too much. For courses where there are external examinations, no pupil should take examinations in the same subject on three occasions
    • evidence of learners’ achievements in different areas should be gathered in different ways. Crucially, the ways in which evidence is gathered should be appropriate to the nature of the subject
    • a wider range of assessment approaches should be introduced, building on existing practice in respect of some senior phase qualifications
    • there should be a better balance between internal evidence and external examination as part of National Qualifications
    • amongst learners and parents/carers there is a desire for learners to have greater choice in the ways that their progression and achievements are demonstrated
  • on how information on achievements for qualifications and assessment should be presented
    • building a digital profile of achievements should provide an evidence base enabling learners to make good decisions about the next stage of their lives, whether continuing in education or transitioning to employment. (Although recognising that there are technical challenges to be overcome before this could happen in practice.)

Section two: the proposed model

Building from the Vision and Principles and the areas of consensus outlined above, the following model is proposed. 

(Please note that any terminology used in this section of the paper is in draft form and will be updated following phase three of the review.)

We now seek views on a model that seeks to respond to the issues described previously. For the purposes of the phase three we call it the Scottish Diploma of Achievement. The diploma is primarily intended to allow evidence of learner achievements to be gathered in a broader range of areas than is currently the case.

Our working assumption is that every learner will work towards a Diploma of Achievement and for the diploma to be awarded a learner must demonstrate achievement in all three elements of the model that are set out below. All learners would leave education settings with a profile of their achievements in each of these areas.

Further work will have to be undertaken before a model like this could become practice and there would be a range of issues to consider before considering implementation.

For example we know that adding more to the workload of teachers and others is not sustainable and feel that decisions must be taken to identify what teachers stop doing to allow space for new practices to evolve. It is also important for us to reflect on what was learned from the development and implementation of CfE, what worked and what we should seek to avoid in terms of the current education reform agenda.

As outlined above the model should be read side-by-side with the Vision and Principles. All future decisions about how the model will become practice will be based on the Vision and Principles i.e. what purposes future qualifications and assessment are intended to achieve.

The diploma would include evidence from achievement in:

  • study in subjects, programmes or curricular areas - in secondary schools for most learners this would involve progress in individual subjects, for some learners it would reflect progress in curricular areas; in colleges it would include progress in programmes of study
  • learning in context - an interdisciplinary project-based approach where evidence is gathered on achievements between subjects and across knowledge, skills and competences in action
  • a personal pathway - here learners have opportunities to select aspects of their experiences that reflect their interests, the contributions they make to society and their career aspirations

This model is intended to:

  • begin to address problems identified in our current system
  • be consistent with the Vision and Principles agreed in phase one consultation
  • reflect the areas of consensus identified by respondents to phase two of the consultation

How does the proposed model do this?


Qualifications mainly record achievements in individual subjects. This is not regarded as well aligned with the Curriculum for Excellence emphasis on the development of skills for learning, life and work. Skills are currently recognised on SQA certificates but this information is not widely recognised by learners, employers or providers of post-school education. Some learners have historically created a personal statement when applying to further or higher education which can provide an opportunity to demonstrate skills that extend beyond the acquisition of traditional qualifications. However, the personal statement is now being removed from the university admissions process.

The proposed new model

Leaners would continue to demonstrate achievements in subjects. They would also have greater opportunities to demonstrate wider achievements beyond study in individual subjects. The proposed new model would reflect the broader curriculum as envisaged in CfE. It would include an interdisciplinary project where learning from different areas of the curriculum is brought together to tackle a significant issue. This would offer a higher profile for skills to be evidenced e.g. collaboration, task planning, problem solving, group work, resilience and creativity. At present, in Scotland, there are a number of skills frameworks. This is currently under review. When published, the Skills' Review will inform the thinking of this aspect of this review.

In addition, in the personal pathway, it is envisaged that learners would be able to demonstrate evidence of their wider achievements. Flexibility in allowing access to learning beyond the confines of traditional subjects will also provide greater opportunities for those learners who do not at present work towards the acquisition of national qualifications.


Most learners take National Qualifications in subjects. They may be presented for external examinations in the same subject in S4, S5 and S6. 

The proposed new model

Learners would continue to study subjects, as having the opportunity to study individual subjects in-depth is an important part of every learner’s educational experience. Learners would build evidence of their achievements as they progress. However, and in alignment with the original vision for Curriculum for Excellence, learners would only be presented for external examinations when they exit a subject. For example, if a learner at the beginning of S4 states an intention to study for a Higher in that subject, they would gather evidence of achievements when in S4 and in S5 but would take an external examination only in S5.


Learners’ experiences in National Qualifications are commonly reported to be too dominated by an extended period of examination rehearsal. Learners also report teaching that is focused on examination technique where they are encouraged to learn in formulaic ways. In some subjects, the balance in ways of gathering evidence is perceived not to relate to the essential elements of the subject. This is an issue most commonly raised in subjects with a practical focus where learners may not always be able to demonstrate the necessary writing skills but are capable of undertaking the essential practical tasks.

The proposed new model

The model would include a more appropriate balance between evidence gathered from examinations and from assessments undertaken in schools and colleges. The change in balance is likely to differ in order to reflect the wide variety of subjects on offer. Each subject should include ways of gathering evidence that allow learners to demonstrate what is really important in that subject. This could include a broader range of assessment approaches e.g. observation, open book tasks, additional project-based work, oral presentations etc. Extending the range of approaches to gathering evidence will allow more learners to demonstrate their achievements in ways better suited to individual learners.

Question 1 - do the three areas described above offer learners the potential to gather and reflect a broader range of achievements important for their future progress? Is there anything you would add or delete?

Now, please look in detail at each of the three areas.

Subject studies

In the subject/programme/curriculum area component of the award, learners would include the evidence of their particular areas of study:

  • for many learners, courses in the senior phase in secondary schools would be progressive over two years
  • learners would accumulate credits when achievements are demonstrated. Pupils who choose to end their study of a particular subject at the end of the first year of the programme could leave with the credits they have accumulated converted into an award that recognises their achievements. Credits would therefore be accumulated throughout the course and programme providing learners with evidence of achievement should they not complete the course
  • in National Qualifications, most learners would accumulate credits throughout the two-year programme and take an external examination at the end of the second year
  • learners could elect to demonstrate achievements by building assessment evidence over the duration of the course/programme (moderated internal assessment) or by a balance of internal and external assessment e.g. an examination. Learner choice needs to be set within a context of a system that is fair and reliable
  • the balance of internal and external assessment would vary from subject to subject to reflect their differing purposes
  • courses will include a broad range of approaches to assessment designed to provide learners with multiple ways to demonstrate their achievements

Question 2 - what are your views on the proposals for recognising achievements in subjects/curricular areas?

Learning in context

Learning in context: an interdisciplinary project-based approach where evidence is gathered on learners’ achievements across knowledge, skills and competences in action.

This part of the Scottish Diploma of Achievement offers learners opportunities to demonstrate their achievements as they use knowledge and skills to tackle a real world challenge. This element is designed to address a number of issues raised during the review. Learners expressed a desire to engage in learning around matters of importance to them and to the future of society and colleges, employers and universities argue that key skills (or meta-skills) are crucial to a learner’s future success in society and the workplace.

Interdisciplinary learning can take a variety of forms. For some learners they may wish to explore a global challenge such as climate change, social justice or migration from an interdisciplinary perspective. Other learners might focus on a local community task or on independent living. We have seen and heard of a wide range of existing programmes in educational settings that are interdisciplinary and project-based. These projects inspire and motivate learners and could form the starting point for developments that could inform this aspect of the qualification. There are also examples of this kind of approach in development within the wider SQA profile of courses. Learning in context would allow learners to demonstrate their ability to collaborate, to problem solve, to manage time and resources in an area that would inspire them to learn and, in a context, closer to many real-life challenges they will face beyond school. This aspect of the diploma would be assessed against broadly defined criteria to encourage creative approaches to learning in context.

Question 3 - what are your views on the proposals for recognising achievements in knowledge and skills in action?

Personal pathway

The third part of the Scottish Diploma of Achievement is the personal pathway.

This offers learners opportunities to select aspects of their personal experiences that reflect their interests, the contributions they make to society and their career aspirations. The way in which this part of the learner profile develops would be subject to discussion with every learner by a member of staff within the education setting they attend, also involving parents/carers. The personal pathway would have common characteristics and would be supported by a framework or profile that would help learners consider what achievements they would like to include.

Each learner would be able to include evidence of achievements in a range of areas:

  • social e.g. contribution to school or to wider communities, personal responsibilities, volunteering
  • cultural e.g. engagement in cultural activities broadly defined as music, art, drama, Gaelic culture, sport, wider cultures
  • economic e.g. developing over time a profile of activities, part-time employment, careers including enterprise, voluntary work through, for some learners, to Foundation Apprenticeships. The Careers' Review is to be published shortly and this will inform thinking in the development of this area

Question 4 - what are your views on the proposals designed to recognise achievements in respect of personal learning?

The Scottish Diploma of Achievement

The Scottish Diploma of Achievement (SDA) would be awarded on completion of all three aspects: subject studies; learning in context and personal pathway.

It is intended that the SDA will serve a range of purposes providing:

  • a record of every learner’s progression and achievements
  • an evidence base from which they can draw on, post-school and college education
  • profile that they can carry with them into the next phase of their lives, adding to it as they build new skills and have further achievements they wish to be recognised

Evidence would be gathered in a digital profile which the learner would have ownership of. Information within the profile would be jointly created by the learner, their educational setting and the national qualifications body. 

Question 5a) - what are your views on the idea of a Scottish Diploma of Achievement for all learners in Scotland?

Question 5b) - if you support this idea, what actions should be taken to make this approach work in practice? What alternative would you propose that would be consistent with the vision and principles identified in phase one of the review?

Question 6 - what changes to existing practice, if any, would you recommend to support the development of a new qualifications and assessment system? 

Parity of esteem

We have heard a great deal of commentary on the importance of ensuring there is parity of esteem between what are known as academic and professional and technical subjects or programmes of study. Language is an important element of this narrative. Terms such as “other qualifications and awards”, “wider achievement” and even the term “vocational” suggest (to some) that these are somehow ‘other’ or are for those who are unlikely to achieve well at NQ and this can play a part in undermining their value. Within the proposed model we would expect that all qualifications at the same SCQF Level would be subject to the same descriptor without distinguishing the type and believe this would be a positive step in acknowledging the value of all forms of learning undertaken as part of the senior phase and beyond.

Question 7 – to promote parity of esteem across all qualifications, academic or technical and professional, should all qualifications at a particular SCQF level have the same name?

Question 8 – do you have any additional comments about the proposed approach to qualifications and assessment set out in this paper?

Question 9 - given we are now in the final phase of the review we would be interested to receive any feedback on our approach to this important exercise

Thank you for taking part in this final phase of the consultation for the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment.

Annex A

Draft Vision and Principles


An inclusive and highly regarded qualifications and assessment system that inspires learning, values the diverse achievements of every learner in Scotland and supports all learners into the next phase of their lives, socially, culturally and economically.


Scotland’s qualifications and assessment system should: 

  • recognise, value and promote the achievements of every learner
  • reflect the Scottish curriculum whilst being responsive to the changing needs of individual learners and of society, creating a positive and sustainable future for learners, their communities and the wider world
  • develop and maintain an appropriate range of approaches to assessment including through digital mechanisms
  • be clear, coherent, credible and easily understood as part of a lifelong learning journey
  • be adaptable and subject to regular review using the Vision and Principles as a touchstone against which change can be tested
  • ensure that all groups with a stake are involved in future decisions relating to design, implementation and practice. (This should include learners, parents/carers, teachers/lecturers, national bodies, colleges, universities, employers and the voluntary sector.)


Teacher Panel

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