Teacher Workforce Planning - 2018 exercise - Statistical modelling paper

Teacher Workforce Planning Advisory Group - Statistical modelling paper 2018

4. Model Results

The combination of the primary school pupil roll falling and the recent increase in primary teachers means that the model projects a lower requirement for new student teachers. Accounting for the pre-school and primary vacancies, the model projects that the 2019 intake target should be cut.

At secondary, the peak in school aged children over the past five years can be seen to be shifting from primary to secondary school. This is countered by a number of factors including an increase in the number of secondary school teachers and a decrease in the number of secondary vacancies. Hence the model suggests the intake target should remain at a similar level.

Vacancies for secondary have been smoothed across 2019, 2020 and 2021.

Primary and Secondary Student Intake Projections, 2019-2023
Entry Year Primary Primary Secondary Secondary Combined
2018 target 710 1,230 190 1,750 250
2018 actual 718 1,260 159 1,494 271
2019 700 500 185 1,750 195
2020 700 200 185 1,700 195
2021 700 350 185 1,600 195
2022 700 350 185 1,150 195
2023 700 450 185 850 195

Primary vacancies accounted for in 2019 intake only

Secondary vacancies accounted for across 2019-2021 intake

Note: Primary estimates do not include any additional requirement for ELC sector.

The model outputs have been rounded to the nearest fifty.

Primary and Secondary Teacher Projections, 2018-2023

Primary Projected pupils (pre-school, primary and half of special) Demand for teachers at start of academic year Change in demand from previous year Leavers during previous year Vacancies arising during previous year Teachers returning to profession in previous year Projected Deficit at start of year
2018 493,996 27,028
2019 487,646 26,928 -100 1,429 1,273 461 812
2020 483,273 26,771 -156 1,394 1,198 461 941*
2021 479,876 26,575 -196 1,373 1,114 461 653
2022 475,532 26,316 -259 1,347 1,177 461 717
2023 472,402 26,146 -170 1,330 1,193 461 732
Secondary Projected pupils (secondary and half of special) Demand for teachers at start of academic year Change in demand from previous year Leavers during previous year Vacancies arising during previous year Teachers returning to profession in previous year Projected Deficit at start of year
2018 289,563 24,924
2019 296,014 25,358 433 1,282 1,755 352 1,403
2020 303,037 25,830 473 1,277 1,583 352 1,365**
2021 307,630 26,136 306 1,266 1,576 352 1,358**
2022 312,311 26,446 310 1,270 1,473 352 1,255**
2023 315,360 26,649 203 1,245 1,326 352 974


Email: annabella.balloch@gov.scot

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