
Teaching in a diverse Scotland - increasing and retaining minority ethnic teachers: 3 years on

This report outlines the progress and challenges faced in implementing the seventeen recommendations of the Teaching in a Diverse Scotland report, and outlines the work still to be undertaken to achieve the aim of a teaching profession, which reflects the diversity of Scotland's population.

Annex A – Working Group Membership

Name Position
Professor Rowena Arshad CBE (Chair) Former Head of School of Education and Sport at Moray House and Co-director of the Centre for Education for Racial Equality in Scotland
Maureen McKenna Director of Education, City of Glasgow. Former president of Association of Directors of Education (ADES)
Khadija Mohammed Senior Lecturer at UWS, School of Education and co-founder and chair of SAMEE
Fearghal Kelly Teacher Professional Learning and Leadership, Scottish Government
Jatin Haria Executive Director, Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (CRER)
Lesley Whelan Head of Professional Learning and Leadership, Education Scotland (ES)
Ken Muir/Sharon Smith Chief Executive & Senior Education Officer, General Teaching Council of Scotland (GTC Scotland)
Professor Morag Redford Head of Teacher Education at University of Highland and Islands, and representing Scottish Council of Deans (SCDE)
Louise Barrett Senior Lecturer at UWS and representing SCDE on the group
Mélina Valdelièvre NASUWT, secondary school teacher and co-founder of anti-racist educator, also part of Scottish Association of Minority Ethnic Educators (SAMEE) (communications and marketing)
Hakim Din Former HM Inspector of Education and Former Deputy Head Teacher of Shawlands Academy
Vacancy COSLA
Selma Augestad National Officer, Equality at the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS)
Ken Edwards Education Programme Lead, Skills Development Scotland (SDS)



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