
Teaching in a diverse Scotland: increasing and retaining minority ethnic teachers

This report aims to increase the number of teachers from under-represented groups at all levels in Scottish Schools.


1. BME Teachers in Scotland - An overview of the representation of BME Teachers in Scotland's Local Authorities, Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (CRER)

2. Public Sector Equality Duties

3. Effectiveness of the PSED Specific Duties in Scotland

4. Self-evaluation framework for Initial Teacher Education

5. A Fairer Scotland for All - Race Equality Action Plan 2017-21

6. Programme for Government

7. Economic Strategy

8. The Race Equality Framework for Scotland

9. Race Equality Action Plan (REAP)

10. BME Teachers in Scotland - An overview of the representation of BME Teachers in Scotland's Local Authorities, Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (CRER)

11. Annex G

12. 2011 Scottish Census

13. The data contained in this spreadsheet is background information for the National Statistics Publication "Summary Statistics for Schools in Scotland, No.8 ¦ 2017 Edition", released on the 12th of December 2017.


15. Annex G

16. Annex H

17. Of the 490, 85.7% of the respondents identified as White Scottish or White Other and 12% identified themselves as being from a minority ethnic group

18. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a framework that has been used in the US and increasingly in the UK to theorise, examine and challenge the ways race and racism impact on social structures, practices and discourses. The key tenets are that it accepts that racism exists, it considers the intersection of race with other forms of inequalities e.g. class, gender, disability, it accepts that within the context of the West there is a dominant view e.g. Whiteness it believes that the voices and lived experiences of those
under-represented is central to informing action and finally that action is most likely when there is interest-convergence between those with power and those with less.

19. Contextualised admissions is defined as contextual information and contextual data used by universities and colleges to assess an applicant's prior attainment and potential to succeed in higher education (HE) in the context of the circumstances in which their attainment has been obtained.

20. Self-evaluation framework for Initial Teacher Education

21. Equality Act 2010

22. Reviewing the aims and effectiveness of the public sector equality duty (PSED) in Great Britain.

23. Addressing Race Inequality in Scotland: The Way Forward

24. Note that this was based on salaries in England and Wales and would not be applicable in Scotland.


Email: Kelly Ireland

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