
Teaching in a diverse Scotland: increasing and retaining minority ethnic teachers

This report aims to increase the number of teachers from under-represented groups at all levels in Scottish Schools.


The Working Group members would like to thank all individuals, organisations, institutions and third sector organisations who provided evidence and offered advice in the writing of this report. The Working Group is very grateful for the written responses and time people took to meet with members to discuss this issue. The discussions and input was invaluable in helping the Group to understand the wide range of issues, policies and practices happening across the sector impacting on the diversity of the teaching profession. It informed members' understanding of the concerns and/or issues facing individual sectors and the cross-cutting factors which many local authorities, universities, schools and third sector organisations are facing. These discussions have provided an excellent opportunity to collaborate and further develop relationships across the education sector in our shared endeavour to encourage and support greater diversity as a crucial aspect of living in Scotland.

The Working Group would in particular like to acknowledge the contribution of the Educational Institute for Scotland and Glasgow City Council for sharing their recently completed surveys on minority groups and teaching. The findings from both surveys were timely and added significantly to the available evidence base in respect of minority groups and teaching in a Scottish context.

Finally the Working Group received valuable advice and useful data from the Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (CRER) and the Black Minority Ethnic Infrastructure Scotland (BEMIS) and their insights have helped to inform this report.


Email: Kelly Ireland

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