
Assessment of noise: technical advice note

This Technical Advice Note (TAN) provides guidance which may assist in the technical evaluation of noise assessment.

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 This Technical Advice Note provides guidance which may assist in the technical evaluation of noise assessment. It has been prepared as a guide for noise professionals, both in the public and private sector, in the preparation and evaluation of noise impact assessments. It does not offer prescriptive guidance on noise assessment nor should it be considered as being exhaustive in extent. It aims to assist in assessing the significance of impact. Advice on the role of the statutory planning system in helping to prevent and limit the adverse effects of noise is set out in Planning Advice Note ( PAN) 1/2011 Planning and Noise.

1.2 Good acoustic design and a sensitive and pragmatic approach to the location of new development needs to be actively promoted to ensure that quality of life is not unreasonably affected and that new development continues to support sustainable economic growth in Scotland. Environmental Health Officers and/or acousticians should be involved at an early stage in development proposals which are likely to have significant adverse noise impacts or be affected by existing noisy developments.

1.3 In the context of this document the following terms are defined:

Noise impact assessment is a process which identifies and evaluates the key noise impacts of a development for the purposes of informing its design and the planning decision process.

Noise Management Areas are designated areas where the noise impact from environmental sources has been identified for noise action plans as a requirement of the European Directive for the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise 2002/49/EC ( END).

Quiet Areas are designated areas where the quality of the environmental noise is good and should be preserved against an increase in noise as required under the END Directive.

1.4 A summary of relevant and current (at the time of publication of this advice note) technical standards, guidance and codes of practice is included as Appendix 1. These may be useful in supporting decision making involving noise issues. Where a technical standard referred to in the index has been superseded by a more recent version or alternative, then that document should be used.


Email: Central Enquiries Unit

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