Energy Performance Certificate reform – lodgement fees and penalty charges: technical consultation

Technical consultation paper on the proposed changes to lodgement fees and penalty charges, as part of our reform of Energy Performance Certificates (EPC).


1. Energy Performance Certificate reform consultation: response -

2. Previously called SAP 11, further detail available from the GOV.UK webpage

3. AOs are responsible for overseeing EPC assessors: ensuring that they are fit and proper persons with adequate qualification, training, and experience, and for ensuring that the preparation and issuing of EPCs is carried out in a consistent, accurate and independent manner

4. Directive (EU) 2024/1275 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 April 2024 on the energy performance of buildings (recast) (Text with EEA relevance)

5. Also including related reports and information currently stored by the EPC Register, i.e. Green Deal Advice Reports, Green Deal Occupancy Assessments, Section 63 Action Plans, Display Energy Certificates and Advice Reports

6. The Simplified Building Energy Model, which is used to calculate non-domestic EPCs.

7. A Review of Domestic and Non-Domestic Energy Performance Certificates in Scotland: Research report for the Scottish Government, Heat, Energy Efficiency and Consumers Unit - Final Report

8. Quality-Assurance-System-and-Disciplinary-Procedure-New.pdf The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland employs a ‘Documentation and Practice Audit (With Site Inspection)’ over and above desk-based audits, and ‘requires the auditor to carry out an inspection of the building or buildings which have been the subject of a(n) assessment’.

9. The Each Home Counts review of 2016 (Recommendation 16) also recommended the establishment of on-site audit as one means of ensuring better compliance and enforcement of the quality of assessors, designers, and installers to facilitate the identification and sanctioning of poor practice, as necessary. The new function we are proposing would also align in part with this long-standing recommendation. Each_Home_Counts__December_2016_.pdf

10. We anticipate on-site inspection of circa 500 completed EPC assessments per annum (10% of the current 2% desk-based random sample). Based on an average of 252 working days per annum, two dedicated auditors would be required.

11. Operational Delivery of EPCs in Europe | ClimateXChange

12. Regulation 17 of The Energy Performance of Buildings (Scotland) Regulations 2008



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