Health - redesign of urgent care: evaluation - technical report

Technical report to support the redesign of urgent care evaluation main report.

12 Discontinued Caller Survey – Questionnaire

Screening questions

Qa. Where do you live in the UK?

1. North East [route out of survey]

2. Scotland

3. North West [route out of survey]

4. Yorkshire and the Humber [route out of survey]

5. Northern Ireland [route out of survey]

6. Wales [route out of survey]

7. East Midlands [route out of survey]

8. West Midlands [route out of survey]

9. East Anglia [route out of survey]

10. London [route out of survey]

11. South East [route out of survey]

12. South West [route out of survey]

13. I do not live in the UK [route out of survey]

Q1. When was the LAST time you tried calling NHS 24 111 for urgent care and you ended the call before speaking to someone? (By ‘urgent care’ we mean selecting the option when you think you need to attend an accident and emergency department)

1. Within the last week

2. Between 1 and 2 weeks ago

3. Between 2 weeks and a month ago

4. Between 1 month and 2 months ago

5. Between 2 and 3 months ago

6. Between 3 and 6 months ago

7. Between 6 months and a year ago [route out of survey]

8. Longer than a year ago [route out of survey]

9. I have never ended a 111 call for urgent care before speaking to someone [route out of survey]

10. I have never called NHS 24 111 [route out of survey]

11. Don’t know / can’t remember [route out of survey]

Q2. Thinking about the last time you ended the NHS 24 111 call before speaking to anyone, did you call for yourself or on behalf of someone else (such as a friend or family member)?

1. I called 111 to get help for myself

2. I called 111 to get help for a child aged under 2 years [route out of survey]

3. I called 111 to get help for a child aged 2-16 years

4. I called 111 to get help for another adult

About this survey

The aim of this survey is to understand your experiences of ending a call to NHS 24 111 before you spoke to someone. We are keen to understand what you did next, if anything, to access urgent care. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.

In December 2020, Scotland’s urgent care pathway was re-designed with the aim to improve the way people access urgent care. Sharing your recent experience of trying to contact NHS 24 111 and any urgent care you accessed afterwards will help us to understand what is working and how the system in Scotland could be improved.

The survey is being carried out on behalf of Picker (, a health and social care research charity. Picker has been commissioned by the Scottish Government to carry out an independent evaluation of the re-design of urgent care pathway. As part of the evaluation, Picker wishes to understand the experiences of people who ended a call to NHS 24 111 before they spoke to someone. Your personal details have not been shared with Picker.

Your answers will be put together with the answers of other people (aggregated) to understand how the changes to Scotland’s urgent care pathway have affected people’s experiences of accessing care and to show where improvements are needed. The aggregated findings will not identify you and will be presented in an evaluation report that will be published by the Scottish Government on their website:

Q3. Are you happy to proceed?

1. Yes

2. No [route out of survey]


So we can understand how urgent care services work for different people, the following questions ask about the person who contacted NHS 24 111. If you called NHS 24 111 on behalf of someone else, please provide their details.

Q4. What was your age last birthday?

Prefer not to say

Q5. What is your sex?

1. Female

2. Male

3. Prefer not to say

Q6. Do you consider yourself to be trans or have a trans history?

This question is voluntary, please press next if you prefer not to answer this question

Only answer if you are aged 16 or over

Trans is a term used to describe people whose gender is not the same as the sex they were registered at birth. Select ONE box only.

1. No

2. Yes, please describe your trans status (for example, non-binary, trans man, trans woman)

Q7. Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last 12 months or more?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t know

4. Prefer not to say

Q8. In general, how would you describe your health?

1. Very good

2. Good

3. Fair

4. Bad

5. Very bad

Q9. What is the highest level of educational or school qualification that you have obtained?

1. No qualifications

2. Level 1: O grade, standard grade, National 3,4 or 5, Intermediate 1 or 2 or equivalent (SVQ level 1 or 2)

3. Level 2: Higher, A level, Advanced Higher or equivalent (SVG level 3)

4. Level 3: HNC/HND or equivalent (SVQ level 4)

5. Level 4: Degree or professional qualification (SVQ level 5)

6. Postgraduate qualification (eg Master, PhD, or equivalent)

7. Prefer not to say

8. Not applicable - 111 call was for a child

Q10. In which of the following areas do you live? (Select ONE only)

1. Aberdeen

2. Aberdeenshire

3. Angus

4. Argyll and Bute

5. Clackmannanshire

6. Dumfries and Galloway

7. Dundee

8. East Ayrshire

9. East Dunbartonshire

10. East Lothian

11. East Renfrewshire

12. Edinburgh

13. Falkirk

14. Fife

15. Glasgow

16. Highland

17. Inverclyde

18. Midlothian

19. Moray

20. Na h-Eileanan Siar (Western Isles)

21. North Ayrshire

22. North Lanarkshire

23. Orkney

24. Perth and Kinross

25. Renfrewshire

26. Scottish Borders

27. Shetland Islands

28. South Ayrshire

29. South Lanarkshire

30. Stirling

31. West Dunbartonshire

32. West Lothian

Q11. What is your ethnic group?

Choose one section from A to F then cross ONE box which best describes your ethnic group or background.

F. White


Other British






Other white ethnic group, please write in

G. Mixed or multiple ethnic groups

Any mixed or multiple ethnic groups, please write in

H. Asian, Scottish Asian or British Asian

Pakistani, Scottish Pakistani or British Pakistani

Indian, Scottish Indian or British Indian

Bangladeshi, Scottish Bangladeshi or British Bangladeshi

Chinese, Scottish Chinese, or British Chinese

Other, please write in

I. African, Scottish African or British African

Please write in (for example, Nigerian, Somali)

J. Caribbean or Black

Please write in (for example, Scottish Caribbean, Black Scottish)

F . Other ethnic group

Arab, Scottish Arab or British Arab

Other, please write in (for example, Sikh, Jewish)


Prefer not to say

Q12. Thinking about the last time you ended the NHS 24 111 call before speaking to someone, what day/time did you try calling NHS 24 111?

1. Monday-Friday daytime (8am-6.30pm)

2. Monday-Friday evening/night (6.30pm-8am)

3. Saturday or Sunday daytime (8am-6.30pm)

4. Saturday or Sunday evening/night (6.30pm-8am)

5. Don’t know / can’t remember

Q13. Was NHS 24 111 the first service you contacted for help with the health concern?

1. Yes [route to Q14]

2. No [route to Q15]

Q14. What was the MAIN reason you called NHS 24 111 rather than contacting or going to another urgent care service (such as A&E or Minor Injuries Unit)? (Select ONE only)

1. I thought that NHS 24 111 would be the easiest service to access [route to Q17]

2. I thought that NHS 24 111 was the most suitable service for this health concern [route to Q17]

3. I needed help out-of-hours [route to Q17]

4. I heard that NHS 24 111 should be contacted first to access urgent care when it’s not an emergency [route to Q17]

5. {My/Their} General Practice is often too busy to get a same-day appointment [route to Q17]

6. {I am/They are} not registered with a General Practice [route to Q17]

7. I thought it would take too long to be seen at A&E or a Minor Injuries Unit [route to Q17]

8. I wanted to have a booked appointment at A&E or a Minor Injuries Unit [route to Q17]

9. Don’t know / can’t remember [route to Q17]


11. Other, please write in Image of response box for respondents to insert their answer[route to Q17]

Q15. Before calling NHS 24 111, where did you go, or who did you contact, for help? (Select ALL that apply)

1. 999 Ambulance service

2. Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department

3. Minor Injuries Unit

4. General Practice

5. Pharmacist / chemist

6. Mental health services

7. Another health professional (such as a midwife, health visitor, dentist, optician)

8. NHS Inform online service

9. Another online health website

10. Another service

Q16. What was the MAIN reason for calling NHS 24 111 following your contact with this service(s)? (Select ONE only)

1. The service/s referred me to NHS 24 111 or told me to call 111

2. {My/Their} General Practice is often too busy to get a same-day appointment

3. {I am/They are} not registered with a General Practice

4. I thought it would take too long to be seen at A&E or a Minor Injuries Unit

5. {My/Their} condition got worse

6. I was not satisfied with the help I received

7. A different reason

Q17. You previously said that you ended the NHS 24 111 call before speaking to anyone. Why did you decide to end the call? (Select ALL that apply)

1. It was taking too long for my call to be answered

2. The recorded message advised me that my call would not be answered quickly

3. The recorded message advised me to contact my General Practice

4. The recorded message advised me to access the NHS Inform online service

5. I did not understand what the recorded message was saying

6. I felt frustrated by the recorded message / phone menu

7. I decided to contact a different health service

8. I no longer needed help, advice, or treatment

Q18. Before you ended the NHS 24 111 call, roughly how long did you wait on the phone?

1. Less than 5 minutes

2. Between 5 and 10 minutes

3. Between 10 and 20 minutes

4. Between 20 and 30 minutes

5. Between 30 minutes and 1 hour

6. More than 1 hour

7. Don’t know / can’t remember

Q19. After ending the call with NHS 24 111, what did you do next?

1. I called NHS 24 111 again [route to Q21]

2. I called 999 Ambulance Service [route to Q21]

3. I went to an Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department [route to Q21]

4. I went to a Minor Injuries Unit [route to Q21]

5. I contacted a General Practice [route to Q21]

6. I contacted a pharmacist / chemist [route to Q21]

7. I contacted another healthcare professional such as a Health Visitor or Midwife [route to Q21]

8. I looked on NHS Inform website for information [route to Q21]

9. I looked on another website for information [route to Q21]

10. I contacted another service [route to Q21]

11. Nothing - I did not contact any other service [route to Q20]

Q20. You previously said that after you ended the call with NHS 24 111, you did not contact any other service for help with the health concern. What was the MAIN reason for this? (Select ONE only)

1. I did not know what other health service to contact [route to Q28]

2. I decided I could look after the health concern myself [route to Q28]

3. I decided to wait to see if the health concern improved [route to Q28]

4. Other health services are difficult to access or too far away [route to Q28]

5. I no longer needed help, advice, or treatment [route to Q28]

6. Don’t know / can’t remember [route to Q28]

Q21. You previously said that after ending the NHS 24 111 call before speaking to anyone at NHS 24 you {called NHS 24 111 again /called 999/went to an Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department etc.}. What was the MAIN reason you contacted this service? (Select ONE only)

1. I thought this was the most suitable service for the health concern

2. I thought I would get help more quickly from this service

3. I did not know what other health service to contact

4. {My/Their} condition changed (improved or worsened)

5. Don’t know / can’t remember

Q22. After you ended the call to NHS 24 111, how long did you wait before you {called NHS 24 111 again later / called 999 / went to an Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department etc.}?

1. Less than 30 minutes

2. Between 30 minutes and 2 hours

3. Between 2 and 4 hours

4. Between 4 and 8 hours

5. Between 8 and 12 hours

6. I waited more than 12 hours

7. Don’t know / can’t remember

Q23. After you ended the call to NHS 24 111, how did {your/their} health concern change, if at all, in the time that you waited before you {called NHS 24 111 again, called 999 Ambulance Service, went to an A&E Department/went to a Minor Injuries Unit/contacted a General Practice etc…}?

1. {My/Their} health concern improved

2. {My/Their} health concern worsened

3. {My/Their} health concern did not change

4. Don’t know / can’t remember

Q24. [Only ask if answered option 3 or 4 at Q19]. You previously said you went to {an Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department / a Minor Injuries Unit} after ending the NHS 24 111 call. Roughly how long did it take you to get to the {A&E Department / a Minor Injuries Unit}?

1. Less than 15 minutes

2. Between 15 and 30 minutes

3. Between 30 minutes and 1 hour

4. Between 1 and 2 hours

5. More than 2 hours

6. Don’t know / can’t remember

Q25. [Only ask if answered option 1 at Q19] When you called NHS 24 111 back for the same reason, was your call answered that time?

1. Yes, I spoke to someone when I called back [route to Q26]

2. No, I ended the call again before speaking to anyone [route to Q27]

3. Don’t know / can’t remember [route to Q28]

Q26. [Only ask if answered option 1 at Q25] At the end of the call, what action or advice did you receive from NHS 24 111?

1. An ambulance was sent out [route to Q28]

2. My call was transferred to 999 [route to Q28]

3. I was advised to go to an A&E Department [route to Q28]

4. I was told I would get a call back [route to Q28]

5. My call was transferred to an out of hours service [route to Q28]

6. I was given advice on how to look after the health concern myself (such as accessing NHS Inform) [route to Q28]

7. I was advised to contact my General Practice [route to Q28]

8. I was advised to contact a pharmacist [route to Q28]

9. I was advised to contact another health professional (such as a dentist/optician/midwife) [route to Q28]

10. Other [route to Q28]

11. Don’t know / Can’t remember [route to Q28]

Q27. [Only ask if answered option 2 at Q25] After ending the second call to NHS 24 111, what, if anything, did you do next?

1. I called NHS 24 111 again

2. I called 999 Ambulance Service

3. I went to an Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department

4. I went to a Minor Injuries Unit

5. I contacted my General Practice

6. I contacted a pharmacist

7. I contacted another healthcare professional (such as a dentist/optician/midwife)

8. I looked on NHS Inform website for information

9. I looked on another website for information

10. I contacted another service (Please write in) ___________________

11. Nothing - I did not contact any other service

Q28. How would you rate your health as a result of accessing urgent care services?

1. Much better

2. A little better

3. The same

4. A little worse

5. Much worse

6. I did not access any urgent care services

Q29. If you had the same problem at the same time of day or night in the future, would you call NHS 24 111 to access urgent care?

1. Yes, definitely

2. Maybe

3. No

4. Don’t know

5. Not applicable (e.g. I would feel confident about what to do myself or I have been told to access another service directly)

Q30. Thinking about your contact with urgent care services from start to finish, overall... (please circle a number)

Q31. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your experiences of trying to access urgent care? [freetext]



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