Health - redesign of urgent care: evaluation - technical report

Technical report to support the redesign of urgent care evaluation main report.



2 Please note: the focus of the Patient survey and the Discontinued Caller survey were on patient experience of the RUC (A&E) pathway and not the wider changes made as part of the redesign of urgent care.

3 Urgent and emergency care survey 2022 (link opens in a new window)

4 NHS 111 Patient Experience Surveys (link opens in a new window)

5 This adjusted base excludes deceased patients and undelivered questionnaires.

6 Margin of error, or confidence interval, is a statistical measurement of difference between survey results and the population value, expressed as a percentage. The margin of error measures the difference between the survey results and how accurately they reflect the views of the overall population; the smaller the margin of error, the more confidence you can have that the results are representative of the population.

7 The ‘achieved sample’ is the respondents that completed a questionnaire (i.e. respondents).

8 The Use of Multicriteria Decision Analysis to Support Decision Making in Healthcare: An Updated Systematic Literature Review (Link opens in new window)

9 Empirical paper - definition of quasi-experimental design (Link opens in new window)

10 Empirical paper - reference for figure (Link opens in new window)

11 Virtual Queue was introduced by NHS 24 In December 2023 which provides callers to NHS 24 111 with an option for their call to be placed in a ‘virtual queue’

12 In-hours refers to Monday-Friday daytime (8am-6.30pm). Out-of-hours refers to Monday-Friday evening/night (6.31pm-7.59am), Weekend daytime (8am-6.30pm) and Weekend evening / night (6.31pm-7.59am).

13 Adjusted base excludes deceased patients and undelivered questionnaires

14 The Agresti-Coull modification of the “z-test” was used. The Z-test calculates the differences between two proportions. Any value of Z that is greater than 1.96 is marked as “statistically better". Any value of Z that is less than -1.96 is treated as “significantly worse”.

15 Responses to questions that measure patient experience and are of an evaluative nature are assigned a positive score which is used in the reporting. ‘Routing’ questions used to guide respondents past any questions that may not be relevant to them are not scored (e.g. ‘Was NHS 24 111 the first service you contacted for help?’). Similarly, questions used for descriptive or information purposes (e.g. ‘At the end of the call, what action or advice did you receive from NHS 24 111?’) are not scored either. The positive score is the percentage of respondents that gave a positive response(s). Non-specific responses, such as ‘Don’t know / Can’t remember or ‘Not sure’ are not included in the scoring.



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