
A Technical Standard for Scottish Finfish Aquaculture

The Standard determines technical requirements for fish farm equipment in Scotland and applies to all species of finfish. It should be used alongside operational procedures and training of staff to ensure equipment is used and maintained appropriately and

The purpose of the Standard is to help prevent escapes of finfish as a result of technical failure and related issues at Scottish finfish farms. It is a key output of the Ministerial Group for Sustainable Aquaculture (MGSA and has been developed by an expert group comprising finfish farmers and trade associations, fish farm equipment suppliers and manufacturers (nets, pens and moorings), insurers, researchers, engineers and regulators.

The Standard covers design, construction, materials, manufacture, installation, maintenance and size of equipment; and takes account of site specific environmental conditions e.g. wave height, wind and current speeds; flood risk assessments for land-based, pond and raceway sites; and is future-proofed for technological developments, novel farming approaches, and moves to higher energy sites or climatic changes.

The Scottish Technical Standard will be implemented by a regulation under the Aquaculture & Fisheries (Scotland) Act 2013. It should be used alongside operational procedures, codes of practice, operators' manuals, and the training of operatives to ensure equipment is used appropriately and that procedures are followed correctly.

A Technical Standard for Scottish Finfish Aquaculture


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