
TEC programme data review and evaluation: summary report

Report presenting findings from the Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Programme data review and evaluation option study.

About this study

A key component of the TEC programme is a focus on service transformation and continuous improvement supported by measurement and evaluation. Over its life, many evaluative activities have taken place. These have primarily sought to demonstrate the effectiveness of technologies that sit within individual workstreams. They take the form of one-off evaluations, improvement reports and ongoing monitoring, and forecast reports to assess the impact of scaling up, particularly on cost-effectiveness.

This paper is a summary report of a data review and evaluation options study that was commissioned to review existing evaluations and identify priorities for future evaluation. Specifically the aims were to:

  • Develop a clear understanding of the expected outcomes of the TEC investment at programme and work-stream levels for different groups of people over the short-, medium- and long-term and how these are expected to be achieved.
  • Establish the nature, quality and relevance of existing evidence and identify key information gaps.
  • Detail a range of options for Scottish Government, in association with the TEC Board to consider for a further phase of evaluation, explaining the extent to which each option would be robust and cost-effective in understanding the impacts of technology enabled care and establishing longer term monitoring.


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