
TEC programme data review and evaluation: summary report

Report presenting findings from the Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Programme data review and evaluation option study.


The TEC programme has achieved much in the three years of work that have been considered as part of this evaluation. Although building on previous work, especially in telecare and HMHM, the programme as a whole includes a sophisticated set of complementary and well-developed technologies that are beginning to change the way in which health and social care are being delivered in Scotland.

The purpose of this evaluation was to synthesise the existing research produced over the first three years of the TEC programme and make recommendations for future evaluations. The TEC programme has produced a sizeable number of good quality evaluations, which are varied in terms of methodologies, geographies, stakeholder included, and issues considered. These point to substantial benefits for clients as well as for carers, staff and the wider health and social care system. They also point to continuing challenges, particularly around mainstreaming.

As the programme moves into the next phase, there is a clear opportunity to use the latest thinking on technology-enabled care evaluation and implementation. This report provides high level and more detailed recommendations that should lead to improved adoption, and continue the practice of producing high quality evidence thereby solidifying Scotland’s international leadership in this area.


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