
TEC programme data review and evaluation: options study

This report presents the findings from the Technology Enabled Care (TEC) programme data review and evaluation option study.


This section includes all primary and secondary sources consulted during this evaluation. The primary sources have also been divided into those that are published and unpublished sources

Primary published sources

1. Alexander, H. (2017) Technology Enabled Care: Home and Mobile Health Monitoring National Evaluation: First Contribution Story.

2. ALISS Access to Local Information to Support Self-management 2009-2013 Report 1. Retrieved from

3. ALISS Access to Local Information to Support Self-management 2013-2016 Report 2. Retrieved from

4. Barber, M., Frieslick, J., Maclean, A., Williams, J. and Reoch, A., 2015. The Western Isles Stroke Telerehabilitation (Specialist Medical Consultation) Service–implementation and evaluation. European Research in Telemedicine/La Recherche Européenne en Télémédecine, 4(1), pp.19-24.

5. Broens, T.H., Huis in't Veld, R.M., Vollenbroek-Hutten, M.M., Hermens, H.J., van Halteren, A.T. and Nieuwenhuis, L.J., 2007. Determinants of successful telemedicine implementations: a literature study. Journal of telemedicine and telecare, 13(6), pp.303-309.

6. Brown (2016) TEC – Test of Change Report. Highland Hospice.

7. FarrPoint (2015) Feasibility Study: Telecare in Scotland Analogue to Digital Transition. Retrieved at

8. Hall et al. (2016) Evaluation of video conferencing in care homes: technology enabled clinics in older adult psychiatry. University of Highlands and Islands. Retrieved from

9. Hearty, M., Aitken, L. and Alexander, H. (n.d.) Home & Mobile Health Monitoring of Blood Pressure as an alternative to attending General Practice. NHS Lanarkshire & TEC.

10. Impact Generation (2015) An Evaluation of Living it Up, a Self-Management Hub for those aged over 50 with a Long-term Condition/s and/or Carers'. Retrieved from

11. Jarrold, K. and Yeandle, S., (2011). 'A weight off my mind': Exploring the impact and potential benefits of telecare for unpaid carers in Scotland. Retrieved at

12. Lennon, M.R., Bouamrane, M.M., Devlin, A.M., O'Connor, S., O'Donnell, C., Chetty, U., Agbakoba, R., Bikker, A., Grieve, E., Finch, T. and Watson, N., 2017. Readiness for Delivering Digital Health at Scale: Lessons From a Longitudinal Qualitative Evaluation of a National Digital Health Innovation Program in the United Kingdom. Journal of medical Internet research, 19(2).

13. Milsom (2015) Home health monitoring: critical success factors for implementation A narrative synthesis of evidence. Retrieved from

14. Newhaven Research (2011) Telecare Development Programme in Scotland 2006-2011. Retrieved from

15. Scottish Government (2017) Social Care Services Scotland 2017 [Statistical Bulletin] Retrieved at:

16. Smartcare (2016) Taking positive steps to prevent trips and falls. Retrieved at

17. TEC (2017) Home & Mobile Health Monitoring Resources. Retrieved at

18. United4Health (2015) UNIversal solutions in TElemedicine Deployment for European HEALTH care Summary Report. Retrieved at

19. United4Health (2016) UNIversal solutions in TElemedicine Deployment for European HEALTH care: Deliverable D6.7 Final Trial Evaluation – Diabetes. Retrieved at

20. United4Health (2016) UNIversal solutions in TElemedicine Deployment for European HEALTH care: Deliverable D7.7 Final Trial Report – COPD. Retrieved at

21. United4Health (2016) UNIversal solutions in TElemedicine Deployment for European HEALTH care: Deliverable D8.7 Final Trial Report – CHF. Retrieved at

22. United4Health and SCTT (2017) Deployment of Telehealth at Scale. Retrieved at

23. York Health Economics Consortium, 2013. Telecare for people with dementia: evaluation of Renfrewshire project: final evaluation report. York: York Health Economics Consortium.

Primary unpublished sources

24. Angus Health & Social Care Partnership (2016) Community Alarm Improvement Project in Angus H& SC Partnership Interim Report (unpublished)

25. Craig, J. (2013) Evaluation of Falkirk Falls Management Project and Extension in 2010/11. Falkirk Council Social Work Services (unpublished)

26. Deloittes (2017) Telecare Feasibility Study: Feasibility study for the provision of universal telecare services for the over 75s (unpublished)

27. Digital Stories Outline – Technology Solutions (Jill O'Boyle and Greg Pawelczyk) (unpublished).

28. Diasend Project (United4Health) Evaluation (unpublished).

29. Grant, J (2017) HMHM Evaluation Case Study NHS Ayrshire & Arran Florence Hypertension Monitoring (unpublished)

30. Keeney, E. and Callaghan, S. (2012) East Ayrshire Community Health Partnership Economic Evaluation of Telehealth as part of the management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. NHS Ayrshire & Arran

31. Keeney, E. and Holland, S. (2012) Economic Evaluation of Telehealth as part of the management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( COPD). NHS Ayrshire & Arran

32. Hearty, M., Aitken, L. and Alexander, H. (n.d.) Rapid Improvement Study: Hypertension Monitoring in General Practice. NHS Lanarkshire & TEC (unpublished)

33. HMHM Evaluation Case Study NHS Ayrshire & Arran Florence Hypertension Monitoring June 2017 (unpublished)

34. McIlroy, A., and Hearty, M. (n.d.) Hypertension Case Study. NHS Lanarkshire (unpublished).

35. McCall, V., Hoyle, L., & Gunasinghe S (n.d.) Bringing together health, social care and housing services for older people: An evaluation of the 415 Hub and Cluster Innovation Project (unpublished Powerpoint presentation)

36. McGuire, K. (n.d.) Transformation through Technology Enabled Care ( TEC) and Innovation Business Case/Sustainability Plan [Draft]. NHS Ayrshire & Arran (unpublished)

37. Lanarkshire Partnership (2016) Technology Enabled Care Storyboard (unpublished)

38. NHS Ayrshire & Arran (n.d.) Home & Mobile Health Monitoring in NHS Ayrshire & Arran ( TEC Yr2) Recruitment Summary (unpublished)

39. NHS Ayrshire & Arran (n.d.) Emergency Admissions Analysis – COPD patients (unpublished)

40. NHS Ayrshire & Arran (n.d.) Case Study Mr B (unpublished)

41. NHS Ayrshire and Arran (n.d.) TEC Technology Enabled Care Patient Stories. (unpublished).

42. NHS Ayrshire and Arran (n.d.) HMHM Avoided Admissions Cost Avoidance Analysis (unpublished)

43. NHS Ayrshire and Arran (n.d.) Evaluation Snap-shot Analysis June 2017 Home & Mobile Health Monitoring ( COPD) in NHS Ayrshire & Arran ( TEC Yr2) (unpublished)

44. NHS Ayrshire and Arran (n.d.) Test of Change: Hypertension BP Monitoring using Florence in General Practice (unpublished)

45. NHS Scotland (2016) National Video Conferencing Service Quarterly Report, 1 st April 2016 to Mid-May (Sample report) (unpublished)

46. TEC (2017) TEC Video Conferencing 2016/17 Workstream Review (unpublished)

47. TEC (2017) Video Consulting Rollout using Attend Anywhere Mid-Year Review, January – June 2017 (unpublished)

48. United4Health (2015) UNIversal solutions in Telemedicine Deployment for European HEALTH care: Document ID3.9 Assessment of Organisational Impact and costs of telehealth COPD.

49. United4Health (2015) UNIversal solutions in Telemedicine Deployment for European HEALTH care: Document ID3.9 Assessment of Organisational Impact and costs of telehealth CHF.

50. Urquhart, J. and Carr, D (2017) Annual Telecare Data Report for Scotland January – December 2016 (unpublished)

51. Use of video consultations in urban general practices: a GPs' and health administrators' perspective (unpublished)

52. Using VC in South Lanarkshire Care Homes (June 2017) (unpublished)

53. Wolters, M. (n.d.) Report 1: Statistical analysis of system log data [Draft report for Florence & Motiva evaluations]

54. Wolters, M. (2017) Initial Contribution Story for COPD, Heart Failure, and Asthma in NHS Highland (unpublished).

Secondary published sources

55. Glasgow, R.E., Phillips, S.M. and Sanchez, M.A., 2014. Implementation science approaches for integrating eHealth research into practice and policy. International journal of medical informatics, 83(7), pp.e1-e11.

56. Health and Sport Committee Technology and Innovation in Health and Social Care (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Mar. 2018].

57. Hudson, B., 2016. Scotland's TEC Development Programme One Year On: A Scoping Exercise, [accessed online, 28 th February, 2018]

58. May, C., 2013. Towards a general theory of implementation. Implementation Science, 8(1), p.18.

59. Mayne, J., 2001. Addressing attribution through contribution analysis: using performance measures sensibly. The Canadian journal of program evaluation, 16(1), p.1.

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62. Obstfelder, A., Engeseth, K.H. and Wynn, R., 2007. Characteristics of successfully implemented telemedical applications. Implementation Science, 2(1), p.25.

63. Ossebaard, H.C. and Van Gemert-Pijnen, L., 2016. eHealth and quality in health care: implementation time. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 28(3), pp.415-419.

64. Pawson, R., 2006. Evidence-based policy: a realist perspective. Sage.

65. Powell, B.J., Waltz, T.J., Chinman, M.J., Damschroder, L.J., Smith, J.L., Matthieu, M.M., Proctor, E.K. and Kirchner, J.E., 2015. A refined compilation of implementation strategies: results from the Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change ( ERIC) project. Implementation Science, 10(1), p.21.

66. Treasury, H.M.S., 2003. The green book: appraisal and evaluation in central government.

67. Steventon, A., Bardsley, M., Billings, J., Dixon, J., Doll, H., Hirani, S., Cartwright, M., Rixon, L., Knapp, M., Henderson, C. and Rogers, A., 2012. Effect of telehealth on use of secondary care and mortality: findings from the Whole System Demonstrator cluster randomised trial. Bmj, 344, p.e3874.

68. van den Wijngaart, L.S., Roukema, J., Boehmer, A.L., Brouwer, M.L., Hugen, C.A., Niers, L.E., Sprij, A.J., Rikkers-Mutsaerts, E.R., Rottier, B.L., Donders, A.R.T. and Verhaak, C.M., 2017. A virtual asthma clinic for children: fewer routine outpatient visits, same asthma control. European Respiratory Journal, 50(4), p.1700471.

69. Weiss, C.H., 2000. Which links in which theories shall we evaluate? New directions for evaluation, 2000(87), pp.35-45.


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