
TEC programme data review and evaluation: options study

This report presents the findings from the Technology Enabled Care (TEC) programme data review and evaluation option study.

Appendix 1: Data review classification results

This section provides an overview of the data classification that was undertaken. These are divided into economic and non-economic reports.

Non-economic reports

A total of 95 documents were reviewed, of these 54 contained evaluation data. Eight duplicates were identified. See Table A1.1 for a summary of these.

Table A1.1: Number and type of documents submitted to JE for analysis within each workstream

HMHM VC Telecare DP
Total number of documents containing evaluation data 28 7 13 7
Total number of documents containing background information 25 0 3 3
Duplicates 6 0 2 0
Total number of documents reviewed 59 7 18 10

Of the evaluations, half related to HMHM, 22% to Telecare and 13% each to DP and VC. See Figure A1.1 for a breakdown across the workstreams.

Figure A1.1: Reports containing evaluation data
Figure A1.1: Reports containing evaluation data

After the initial classification, we began the analysis of each of the documents containing evaluation data. These were classified by the type of data they contained. Table A1.2 gives a breakdown of the data type by workstream. Note that mixed method reports were counted twice ( i.e. containing both quantitative and qualitative data), hence the total number presented here is higher than the total number of reports included.

Table A1.2: Breakdown of qualitative and quantitative data by workstream

Data type HMHM VC Telecare DP Total
Containing qualitative 12 4 3 7 25
Containing quantitative 21 5 11 2 39

Economic reports

A total of 10 reports containing economic or cost data were submitted to Just Economics for review across the four workstreams in September 2017 (see Table A1.3). [8] Reports that contained only project cost data, but no economic analysis of benefits were excluded from the review, as were forecasted cost-benefit analysis (see Box 1 for a discussion of the main findings of these).

Table A1.3: Number of economic documents with economic data submitted for analysis

Number of studies with economic data (excluding forecast studies) 4 4 2 1 10

Table A1.4 summarises the main features of the studies.

Table A1.4: Key features of the economic evaluations by workstream

Intervention cost data 4 4 2 1 10
Economic valuation of outcomes 4 4 2 1 10
Valuation of outcomes to multiple stakeholder 0 0 0 1 1
Discounting of benefits (if applicable) 0 3 0 1 3
Control group 4 2 1 1 7
Sensitivity analysis 3 3 0 1 6


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