
Temporary Accommodation Task and Finish Group: final report and recommendations

This sub-group of the Homelessness Prevention and Strategy Group was set up to consider how to reduce the number of households living in temporary accommodation and the length of time they spend there. This report makes 15 recommendations.

Appendix 2: Evidence heard by the group

ALACHO: John Mills (co-chair, ALACHO) presented on the financing of TA.

Centre for Homelessness Impact: Heather McCluskey (Practice and Partnerships Lead) presented to the group analysis of data on an overview of TA in Scotland. Heather also undertook in-depth analysis of TA in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Midlothian and Fife, and provided papers to the group.

City of Edinburgh Council: Nicky Brown (Homelessness and Housing Support Senior Manager) and Jill Thompson (Interim Head of Homelessness) presented on TA in Edinburgh.

Fife Council: Gavin Smith (Service Manager, Housing Access) presented to the group on Fife Council's allocation policy.

Glasgow City Council: Gary Quinn (Service Manager, Homelessness) presented on TA in Glasgow and gave insight on successfully addressing their historical breach of TA duties.

Housing Options Scotland: Moira Bayne (CEO) and Pedro Cameron (Homeless Housing Options Scotland Engagement Coordinator) presented to the group on their work to help people move from TA into permanent homes that meet their needs.

Legal Services Agency: Aaliya Seyal (CEO) presented on the cost of TA to an individual.

Lived experience: Lived experience of TA and homelessness was facilitated in several ways, including Change Team participants who were members of the group, and eight people with lived experience who shared their stories at the July meeting.

North Ayrshire Council: Janeine Barrett (Senior Manager, Homelessness and Community Safety) presented on the work which NAC have done on prevention, to reduce the initial need for TA. Janeine also delivered a separate presentation on the work North Ayrshire Council have done flipping TA tenancies into permanent homes.

Perth and Kinross Council: Martin Smith (Service Manager) presented on the council's work to transform their use of TA and to pioneer maximal housing options.

Scottish Government, Better Homes Division: Marion Gibbs (Team Leader on Homelessness) spoke to the group on the benefit and opportunities of Housing First as a route away from TA into permanent accommodation.

Scottish Government, Homelessness Statistics Team: Sara White (Head of Homelessness Statistics) presented to the group on the Scottish Government's homelessness statistics in relation to TA and provided additional data analysis.

Scottish Government, More Homes Team: Caroline Dicks (Head of Affordable Housing Supply Programme) presented to the group on the Scottish Government's Affordable Housing Supply Programme.

Scottish Housing Regulator: Michael Cameron (CEO) and John Jellema (Assistant Director of Regulation) presented on the challenges local authorities are facing, and on the work that the Scottish Housing Regulator does to engage with local authorities on provision of TA.

Scottish Women's Aid: Jo Ozga (Policy Worker) submitted a paper to the group on women's experiences of TA.

Temporary Accommodation Standards Working Group: Jim Hayton (Chair) presented on the work of the Temporary Accommodation Standards Working Group.



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