Tenant Farming Rent Review Survey: final report

This report presents the findings from a Tenant Farming Rent Review Survey. The research explores tenant farmers’ views and experiences of the current process of rent reviews.

4. Rent Review Legislation

4.1. Summary of key points

  • In terms of rent review legislation, just over a third of survey respondents (36%) were either very or fairly familiar with this compared to 11% who were not aware at all.
  • Fewer respondents were aware of the Tenant Farming Commissioner's Code of Practice on rent review (29%) and this is compared to 18% who were not aware of this at all.

4.2. Familiarity of Legislation

Just over a third of survey respondents were either very or fairly familiar with rent review legislation (36%), 15% were not very familiar and relied on an agent or other person to guide them and 8% were not very familiar and relied on other organisations. Just under a third (31%) were aware there was legislation but were not familiar with it and 11% were not aware of this legislation.

With regards to the Tenant Farming Commissioner's Code of Practice on rent reviews, fewer respondents (29%) were very or fairly familiar with this, 13% were not very familiar and relied on an agent or another person to guide them, and 9% were not very familiar and relied on other organisations to guide them. Just over 3 in 10 respondents (31%) were aware there was a Code of Practice but were not familiar with it and 18% were not aware at all.

Figure 4.1 Familiarity of rent review legislation/ Tenant Farming Commissioner's Code of Practice

Chart shows 36% familiar with rent review legislation, 22% familiar with the TFC's Code of Practice.

Unweighted base: Rent review legislation, n=1,011; Tenant Farming Commissioner's Code of Practice, n=1,008


Email: socialresearch@gov.scot

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