Tenant Information Packs: Analysis of Consultation Responses

An analysis of views expressed during the consultation on tenant information packs, including views on what information should be contained within the pack and how it should be presented and operate in practice.


1. In the case of Short Assured Tenancies, landlords must give a special notice (called an AT5 Notice) before the lease is signed, or before the tenant moves in, stating that it is a Short Assured Tenancy.

2. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Built-Environment/Housing/privaterent/government/prsreview

3. Consultation analysis report is at: www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2010/06/21135047/2

4. A copy of the draft TIP is in Annex 3.

5. One further response has since been received and examined by the policy team.

6. Where respondents fitted more than one category, a decision was made on their "lead" category according to the content of their response.

7. Energy performance certificates were introduced on 4 January 2009 and are aimed at improving the energy performance of new and existing buildings. Landlords must provide tenants with a copy of the EPC if the tenancy started after 4 January 2009.

8. It should be noted that some of the suggested amendments relate to legal terms which are outwith the scope for change at present.


Email: Alix Rosenberg

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