
Tenant participation newsletter 2017

A newsletter which gives an outline of Scottish Government priorities for tenants, residents and landlords throughout Scotland.

The CIH Excellence Awards 2016 Ceremony, held in Glasgow last November, celebrated the fantastic work going on in housing across Scotland

Link Housing Association scooped the CIH Excellence in Scrutiny Award sponsored by the Scottish Government. Anne Cook, head of the Scottish Government's Social Housing Services Team, was delighted to present the award which recognised the achievements made by the association to develop scrutiny activities that deliver service improvements and good outcomes for their tenants.

The association had clearly demonstrated that they had worked collaboratively with their tenants to develop effective scrutiny arrangements across their organisation, and had embedded these into their landlords' performance management arrangements. They were also able to demonstrate positive outcomes for their tenants in line with the requirements of the Scottish Social Housing Charter.

The other finalists, pipped at the post, were Trust Housing Association, East Ayrshire Council and Irvine Housing Association. All were praised for their scrutiny work.

Link Housing Association staff and tenants completed the 'Stepping up to Scrutiny' programme which the Scottish Government commissioned the CIH and HouseMark Scotland to deliver. The training and learning programme was designed to improve housing organisations' understanding of the scrutiny requirements of the Scottish Social Housing Charter and related regulatory framework. It supported social landlords and tenants to deliver this in practice and strengthened the connection between performance management, continuous improvement, value for money and scrutiny.

The 'Stepping Up to Scrutiny Trainer Toolkit' and the 'Practice Guide for Tenants and Landlords' have now been published. They are designed to help social landlord organisations develop and improve their scrutiny activities and practices in addition to understanding the scrutiny activities linked to the Scottish Social Housing Charter and related regulatory framework.

You can read more details about the awards on the CIH website:

You can find out more about the practice guidance and toolkit by accessing the links below:

If you want to find out more about 'Stepping up to Scrutiny' please contact Ann Marie Stanley on


Email: Annabel MacMillan

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