Tenanted Agricultural Land in Scotland 2014

Latest statistics of agricultural rents and some data on profitability of tenanted farms

2. Introduction

This publication brings together information on rented agricultural land in Scotland from the following four sources:

1. Annual June Agricultural Census: The census asks farmers to confirm or update the area that they rent under their tenancy arrangements, and to give details of the type of tenancy and any seasonal/short term lets.

2. Information on seasonal lets is collected through the Single Application Form, used for Single Farm Payments and other subsidies.

3. December Agricultural Survey: this collects information on area rented and rents paid. It samples from main holdings only.

4. Farm Accounts Survey: Information on farm profitability from the Farm Accounts Survey, which collects detailed information on expenditure, revenue, assets and liabilities from a sample of about 490 farms across all areas other than horticulture, pigs and poultry.

Land tenure and conditions for renting have long been an important issue in Scottish life. A summary of current legislation is available here www.gov.scot/Topics/farmingrural/Agriculture/agricultural-holdings/legislation
The Scottish Government set up a Review of Agricultural Holdings Legislation to consider policy and legislative changes in this area. The Group produced its final report in January 2015

The following symbols are used in this publication
: not available
b break in time series
c too few farms involved to publish
~ zero or rounds to zero

We welcome comments on the content or format of this publication at:
e-mail: agric.stats@scotland.gsi.gov.uk
web: www.gov.scot/agricstats
twitter: @sgRESAS
tel: 0300 244 9716

Terminology: Rented or Tenanted?

Please note that for the purposes of this publication we have used the terms "rented" and "tenanted" as different concepts, to distinguish whether data includes rented crofts.

"Rented" refers to all rented land, including rented crofts.

"Tenanted" does not include crofted land.

Unless otherwise stated, both refer to arrangements that last for one year or more. Seasonal lets are generally reported separately.


Email: Mal Cooke

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