Tertiary Education and Training (Funding and Governance) (Scotland) Bill - Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) Record
Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) Record for the Tertiary Education and Training (Funding and Governance) Bill
Stage 2: Data and evidence gathering, involvement and consultation
Include here the results of your evidence gathering (including framing exercise), including qualitative and quantitative data and the source of that information, whether national statistics, surveys or consultations with relevant equality groups.
Characteristic Age
Evidence gathered and strength/quality of evidence
In 2022-23:
- 33% of enrolments at Scottish universities were aged 20 and under. While 25% were aged 30 years and over.
- 52.3% of credits at Scottish colleges were delivered to those aged 20 and under. While 28.6% were delivered to those aged 25 and over.
At the end of quarter 4, 2023-24, 59.7% (15,131) of Modern Apprenticeship starts were aged 16-24 and 40.3% were aged 25+.
University data:
Figure 5 - HE student enrolments by personal characteristics 2018/19 to 2022/23 | HESA
College Statistics 2022-23 - Scottish Funding Council OA Performance measures background table
MA Statistics, up to the end of Q4 2023/24
Data gaps identified and action taken to address the data gaps
The Bill will have no direct impact on these groups.
Evidence gathered and strength/quality of evidence
In 2022-23:
- 17% of enrolments at Scottish university had a known disability.
- 26.6% of credits at Scottish colleges were delivered to those with a declared disability.
At the end of quarter 4, 2023-24, 17.0% of Modern Apprenticeship starts self-identified as disabled.
University data:
Figure 5 - HE student enrolments by personal characteristics 2018/19 to 2022/23 | HESA
College Statistics 2022-23 - Scottish Funding Council OA Performance measures background table
Modern Apprenticeship Statistics (SDS)
Data gaps identified and action taken to address the data gaps
The Bill will have no direct impact on these groups.
Characteristic Sex
Evidence gathered and strength/quality of evidence
In 2022-23:
- 59% of enrolments at Scottish universities were female.
- 49.1% of credits at Scottish colleges were delivered to females, the same proportion delivered to males. The remaining 1.8% were delivered to those where sex were other/unknown.
At the end of quarter 4, 2023-24, there were 9,469 female Modern Apprenticeship starts.
University data:
Figure 5 - HE student enrolments by personal characteristics 2018/19 to 2022/23 | HESA
College Statistics 2022-23 - Scottish Funding Council OA Performance measures background table
Modern Apprenticeship Statistics (SDS)
Data gaps identified and action taken to address the data gaps
The Bill will have no direct impact on these groups.
Pregnancy and maternity
Evidence gathered and strength/quality of evidence
In 2022-23:
- 1280 Scottish-domiciled enrolments to courses 160+ hours at colleges self-described as ‘Pregnant currently or in the last year’.
Report on Widening Access 2022-23 (sfc.ac.uk)
Background Table 17d
Data gaps identified and action taken to address the data gaps
The Bill will have no direct impact on these groups.
Data not available for a large proportion of college enrolments.
Data not available for university entrants or apprentices.
Gender reassignment
Evidence gathered and strength/quality of evidence
In 2022-23:
- 275 Scottish-domiciled full-time first degree entrants to Scotland's universities self-described as ‘Trans or has a trans history’.
3900 Scottish-domiciled enrolments to courses 160+ hours at colleges described their gender identify as ‘Not the same as assigned at birth’.
Report on Widening Access 2022-23 (sfc.ac.uk)
Background Table 16a
Background Table 17b
Data gaps identified and action taken to address the data gaps
The Bill will have no direct impact on these groups.
Data not available for a large proportion of these groups.
Data not available for apprentices.
Sexual orientation
Evidence gathered and strength/quality of evidence
In 2022-23, among Scottish-domiciled full-time first degree entrants:
- 2,480 identified as ‘bisexual’
- 985 identified as ‘gay or lesbian’
In 2022-23, among Scottish-domiciled enrolments to courses 160+ hours at colleges:
- 6,785 identified as ‘bi/bisexual’
- 1,515 identified as ‘gay man’
- 1,570 identified as ‘gay woman/lesbian’
Report on Widening Access 2022-23 (sfc.ac.uk)
Background Table 16d
Background Table 17e
Data gaps identified and action taken to address the data gaps
The Bill will have no direct impact on these groups.
Data not available for a large proportion of these groups.
Data not available for apprentices.
Evidence gathered and strength/quality of evidence
In 2022-23:
- 12% of UK domiciled enrolments to Scottish universities were of Black and Minority Ethnicity.
- 9.5% of credits at Scottish colleges were delivered to minority ethnic learners.
- At the end of quarter 4, 2023-24, 4.5% of Modern Apprenticeship starts self-identified as belonging to an ethnic minority.
University data:
Figure 5 - HE student enrolments by personal characteristics 2018/19 to 2022/23 | HESA
College Statistics 2022-23 - Scottish Funding Council OA Performance measures background table
Modern Apprenticeship Statistics (SDS)
Data gaps identified and action taken to address the data gaps
The Bill will have no direct impact on these groups.
Religion or belief
Evidence gathered and strength/quality of evidence
In 2022-23:
- 55% of enrolments at Scotland's universities self-described as ‘No Religion’, the single biggest group within religion or belief.
- 75,525 Scottish domiciled enrolments to courses 160+ hours at colleges self-described as ‘None’, the single biggest group within religion or belief.
University data:
Figure 5 - HE student enrolments by personal characteristics 2018/19 to 2022/23 | HESA
Report on Widening Access 2022-23 (sfc.ac.uk)
Background Table 17f
Data gaps identified and action taken to address the data gaps
The Bill will have no direct impact on these groups.
Data not available for large proportions of these groups.
Data not available for apprentices.
Marriage and civil partnership
Evidence gathered and strength/quality of evidence
There is no requirement for the Scottish Government to provide EQIA assessment against this protected characteristic.
Data gaps identified and action taken to address the data gaps
The Bill will have no direct impact on these groups.
A full account of data quality for the 2022-23 student collection as used in the Report on Widening Access 2022-23 (sfc.ac.uk)
can be found in the HESA quality report and the data insights tool. Guidance on how Modern Apprenticeship data is collected and reported is available in the SDS MA Statistics User Guide. Noted limitations include a reliance on apprentices to accurately self-report.
Email: TETBill@gov.scot
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