
Cyber resilience: third sector action plan 2018-2020

Plan to develop a common, aligned approach to cyber resilience across the third sector in Scotland, so that all sections of society benefit from being digitally safe and secure.


Third Sector Action Plan

Digital technology offers huge opportunities for Scotland as a modern, progressive nation.

Our ability to inform and interact with citizens is being transformed by the digital world, and Scotland’s third sector is developing ambitious plans to embrace these opportunities.

But these opportunities also bring new threats and vulnerabilities that we must take decisive action to manage.

The cyber threat is growing. I regard it as vital to our ambitions as a modern, digital nation that our charities, large and small, understand that threat, and are supported to take steps to protect themselves.

No organisation, however large or small, is immune. Cyber attacks are as real a risk to the small, parent-run playgroup that holds a database of children’s names and addresses as they are to larger charities delivering employability services to vulnerable adults.

This action plan sets out how we will work in partnership with Scotland’s third sector to help tackle the cyber threat. Key to success will be the willingness of Scotland’s charities, businesses and public sector organisations to work in partnership to raise fundamental levels of cyber resilience across Scotland.

Alongside our action plans on Learning and Skills and Private and Public Sector Cyber Resilience, this plan represents an important step towards our ambition for Scotland to be a world-leading nation in cyber-resilience.

I look forward to working with Scotland’s third sector, and our partners in the UK and internationally, to help make this a reality.

John Swinney MSP
Deputy First Minister and Cabinet
Secretary for Education and Skills


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