Third Sector Interface: outcome framework

Activites and outcomes of Third Sector Interface (TSI) work funded by the Scottish Government.

Reporting template

What we expected to do

What goes here?

A summary of what the organisation or project said they'd do (for example in an application form or at the start of the reporting period) including:

  • Planned differences or changes that you want to make for the people you work with (outcomes).
  • The main activities or services you provide to deliver your outcomes.

[this section could also include a reminder of the overall aim of the organisation or project to set the context]

What we actually did

What goes here?

The main facts and figures about actual activities, for example the number of people the organisation or project worked with and the main things they did.

For each outcomes: what difference we actually made

What goes here?

Overall information about the outcomes achieved.

Could also include examples of how individual participants or service users experienced the projects (such as case studies or quotes).

For each outcome challenges and changes

What goes here?

Any problems you encountered that slowed progress, stopped the outcomes happening or things that were changed.

Learning for the future:

What goes here?

Unexpected outcomes (positive or negative).

Key learning points.

Anything they will do differently in the future.


For example – budget details

From: Harmonising Reporting (Scotland Funders' Forum/ESS)


Email: Stephen O’Neill

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