Third Sector Resilience Fund (TSRF): analysis of applications and wards
Analysis of the data on applications to the Third Sector Resilience Fund (TSRF) and the awards made through the fund.
5. The SIMD splits Scotland into 6,976 equal areas of roughly the same population size. It uses 38 indicators to measure different aspects of deprivation, including unemployment, crime and travel times to local GP surgeries. It then uses these to rank each data zone depending on its level of deprivation. For more information, see here:,take%20account%20of%20area%20concentrations%20of%20multiple%20deprivation.
7. Depending on the application route, some applicants were asked to provide their 'annual expenditure' while others were asked to provide 'annual turnover', from their last financial year. It is possible that some organisations may have provided income information for turnover, while others provided expenditure. For many third sector organisations, expenditure and income levels tend to match closely, and the data indicated that this was the case overall for the applicant organisations. Accordingly, we have presented these two measures together as the best way to give the overall picture of the size of the full set of organisations applying to the fund.
8. Applicants were asked to give information about either their 'unrestricted reserves' or their 'reserves' depending on which application route they took. Both sets of responses are included in this analysis.
9. The daily expenditure cost was derived by dividing the total expenditure/turnover reported for the last financial year by 365. As such it is only a crude indication of organisational operating costs, since annual expenditure may vary significantly from year to year and may include one-off or special costs in any given year.
10. This loan is expected to be approved
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