Third Sector Resilience Fund (TSRF): analysis of applications and wards
Analysis of the data on applications to the Third Sector Resilience Fund (TSRF) and the awards made through the fund.
6. Funding Awarded by Organisation Size (Expenditure/Turnover)
Depending on the amount of funding organisations were applying for, applicant organisations were asked to provide information on their previous year's turnover or expenditure.[7] Table 3 summarises this data.
Annual Expenditure/Turnover | No. of Applications | No. of Awards | Total Amount Awarded | % of Funding Awarded | Average Award (in £s) | % of Applications Approved |
Less than £50,000 | 1040 | 422 | 2,361,243 | 10 | 5,595 | 41 |
£50,000 to £100,000 | 483 | 227 | 1,610,416 | 7 | 7,094 | 47 |
£100,000 to £250,000 | 606 | 276 | 3,661,675 | 16 | 13,267 | 45.5 |
£250,000 to £400,000 | 278 | 145 | 3,441,706 | 15 | 23,736 | 52.2 |
£400,000 to £600,000 | 149 | 71 | 2,630,843 | 12 | 37,054 | 47.7 |
£600,000 to £1.5m | 165 | 87 | 3,856,611 | 17 | 44,329 | 52.7 |
More than £1.5m | 145 | 63 | 3,946,527 | 17 | 62,643 | 43.4 |
Not Known | 130 | 58 | 1,143,803 | 5 | 19,721 | 44.4 |
Total | 2,996 | 1,349 | 22,652,823 | 100 | £16,792 | 45.0 |
Table 3: Grants Awarded by Size of Organisation (Annual Expenditure/Turnover)
The data show that the majority of grants went to relatively small organisations, with 69 per cent of awards going to organisations with an annual expenditure/turnover of less than £250,000. This accounted for 34 per cent of the overall spending. The smallest category of TSOs represented in the data – those with an annual expenditure/turnover of less than £50,000 – accounted for the largest number of applications (422) and awards (227), with an average award size of £5,595.
However, the largest share of funding (£3,946,527) was distributed to TSOs with the highest levels of annual expenditure/turnover (over £1.5 million). Those with expenditure/turnover higher than £1.5 million and those with expenditure/turnover between £600,000 and £1.5 million accounted for 17 per cent of the total funding each. The overall pattern, then, is that the majority of awards were made to smaller TSOs, while a small number of large grants were made to much bigger TSOs.
On average, successful applicants with an expenditure/turnover lower than £50,000 received slightly more funding than those with expenditure/turnover between £50,000-100,000 (£7,302 and £7,094 received respectively). However, among organisations with expenditure/turnover higher than £50,000, the average award size rose in line with the size of the organisation, with organisations with an annual expenditure/turnover over £1.5 million receiving an average of £62,643 each.
Grant Funding Awarded (£) by Size of Organisation
Number of Grant Applications and Awards by Size of Organisation (Turnover/Expenditure)
The application success rate varied from 41 per cent among organisations with an expenditure/turnover of less than £50,000 to 52.7 per cent among organisations with an expenditure/turnover between £600,000 and £1.5 million.
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