
Third Sector Resilience Fund (TSRF): analysis of applications and wards

Analysis of the data on applications to the Third Sector Resilience Fund (TSRF) and the awards made through the fund.

7. Funding Awarded by Number of Employees

Organisations were asked how many staff members they employed. The data is summarised in Table 4. These figures were provided as total number of staff members, rather than number of full-time equivalent staff.

Overall at least 1,098 TSOs with paid employees were awarded grants from the TSRF. Between them, these organisations employed 13,989 people at the time of application. 189 of the organisations that were awarded TSRF funding reported that they did not employ any staff, and 62 awards were made to organisations where data on staff numbers is not available.

Staff Numbers No. of Applications No. of Awards Total Amount (£) Awarded % of Funding Awarded Average Award (in £s) % of Applications Approved
None 486 189 690,151 3 3,652 38.9
1 or 2 641 275 1,857,108 8 6,753 42.9
3 to 10 1099 510 6,720,001 30 13,176 46.4
11 to 25 407 205 5,886,671 26 28,715 50.4
26 to 50 111 58 2,683,557 12 46,268 52.3
51 to 100 52 27 1,371,435 6 50,794 51.9
101 to 300 51 22 1,733,834 8 78,811 43.1
Over 300 11 1 75,000 0 75,000 9.1
Not Known 138 62 1,635,065 7 26,372 44.9
Total 2,996 1,349 22,652,823 100 16,792 45.0

Table 4: Grants Awarded by Number of Staff in Organisation

As the Figure 12 shows, the largest share of funding (£6,720,001) was awarded to small organisations with 3-25 employees. The largest number of applications came from organisations with 3-10 employees (1,099), and this category accounted for the largest number of awards (510), with an application success rate of 46.4 per cent, just above the average of 45 per cent.

The smallest share of funding was provided to organisations with over 300 employees (£75,000), with only one award made out of 11 applications.

Grant Funding Awarded (£) by Number of Staff in Organisation

Bar chart showing the amount of funding awarded depending on number of staff in organisation

Figure 12: Grants Funding Awarded by Number of Staff

Number of Grant Applications and Awards by Number of Staff

Bar chart showing the number of applications and awards by number of staff in organisation
Figure 13: Grants Awarded by Number of Staff



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