Vaping products - tightening rules on advertising and promotion: consultation 2022

Public consultation into additional controls to limit advertising and promotion of vaping products in Scotland.

Impact Assessment

71. We are committed to equality and ensuring that our policies lead to the creation of a fairer Scotland. To help us do so, we welcome your views on the following questions.

72. What impacts, if any, do you think the proposed policy would have on people on the basis of their: age, sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, disability, gender reassignment and marriage/civil partnership? Please consider both potentially positive and negative impacts and provide evidence where available. Comment on each characteristic individually.

Question 9 a

Please indicate the impact the proposed policy would have on individuals.

No impacts / Positive impact / Negative impact / Don’t know

Please explain further why you believe the proposed policy would impact on people in the way described above:

73. What impacts, if any, do you think the proposed policy would have on people living with socio-economic disadvantage? Please consider both potentially positive and negative impacts and provide evidence where available.

Question 9 b

Please indicate your view on the impact of the proposed policy on people living with socio-economic disadvantage?

No impacts / Positive impact / Negative impact / Don’t know

Please explain further:

74. Please use this space to identify other communities or population groups who you consider may be impacted by this policy proposal. Please consider both potentially positive and negative impacts and provide evidence where available.

Question 9 c

Please identify communities or groups who may be impacted by these proposals

No impacts / Positive impact / Negative impact / Don’t know

Please explain further:



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