Timber cladding in Scotland
The study outlines the development of timber cladding in Scotland, describes timber clad buildings in Scotland, and provides practical information on the use of timber cladding in Scotland.
Timber Cladding in Scotland
The increasing popularity of external timber cladding in Scotland has created a need for accurate historical and technical information specifically relevant to Scottish conditions, and the Scottish Executive has commissioned Timber Cladding in Scotland to provide an invaluable reference for policy makers, architects, engineers, self-builders, planning and building control officers, contractors and cladding manufacturers.
External timber cladding offers a unique combination of environmental, social and economic benefits of value to Scotland's built environment, and planning and building control systems are increasingly sympathetic to its use. The technical risks of using timber cladding in Scotland's exposed maritime climate are manageable and no greater than in similar climates, such as the western coastal zones of Norway and Canada, where external timber cladding is widespread. There is also evidence of strong historical precedents for external timber cladding throughout urban and rural Scotland.
Ivor Davies is a product designer and timber technologist. He worked for eight years with Highland Birchwoods and now operates independently as a timber research consultant specialising in product development and external timber cladding.
Dr. Bruce Walker is an architect and architectural historian. A former lecturer in the School of Architecture at the University of Dundee, he was seconded for several years to Historic Scotland, initially as a district architect and then as a technical author. He has published widely on the history of building construction in Scotland.
Dr James Pendlebury is a wood scientist specialising in timber durability and preservation. He has worked internationally with a wide range of timber research organisations, including TNO in the Netherlands, TRADA and Highland Birchwoods. He is currently employed with Forest Enterprise.
Highland Birchwoods is a charitable company promoing the sustainable management and use of forest resources. The company runs research, development and demonstration projects in partnership with a wide range of organisations in Scotland and further afield.
The publication and wider dissemination of this Scottish Executive-funded research has been made possible with the support of the following organisations:
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The views expressed in this report are those of the researchers and do not necessarily represent those of the Scottish Executive or Scottish Ministers. Building work involving the use of timber cladding in Scotland must comply with the Building Standards (Scotland) Regulation 1990 as amended. Information contained in this report does not infer compliance with the Regulations and where a Building Warrant is required, appropriate advice can be obtained from the relevant local authority Building Control office.
Whilst every effort have been made to ensure the accuracy of the advice given, Highland Birchwoods cannot accept liability for loss or damage arising from the information supplied.
Published by ARCA Publications Ltd
Manifesto, 18 Blantyre Terrace
Edinburgh EH10 5AH
Tel: 0131 455 2808
© Crown Copyright, 2002.
Cover: Govanhill Millennium Space, Glasgow - garden shed structure by Christopher Platt Architect. Cover photography by Kenneth Bayne.
Limited extracts from the text may be produced provided the source is acknowledged.
For more extensive reproduction, please write to the Chief Research Officer at
Scottish Executive, Central Research Unit,
3rd Floor, West Rear, St Andrew's House,
Edinburgh EH1 3DG
This publication should be cited as:
Davies, I., Walker, B., Pendlebury, J., 2002.
Timber Cladding in Scotland,
ARCA Publications Ltd.
ISBN 1 904320 00 7
This publication contains research commissioned from Highland Birchwoods by The Scottish Executive, Central Research Unit.
The authors of the original research were Ivor Davies, Bruce Walker and James Pendlebury.
Peter Wilson, of ARCA, the Journal of Scottish Architecture has edited the text for publication and contributed additional material in the form of case studies.
Highland Birchwoods acknowledge with gratitude the support of the project steering group, the information and advice given by experts in several countries during the course of this research, and the co-operation of all those who have given permission to use illustrations of their buildings and designs. Unless otherwise stated, all illustrations are by the authors.
Further copies of this publication are available from:
Highland Birchwoods, Littleburn, Munlochy, Ross-shire IV8 8NN
Email: Central Enquiries Unit ceu@gov.scot
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