
Time, Space, Compassion Three simple words, one big difference: Recommendations for improvements in suicidal crisis response

Recommendations for improvements in suicidal crisis response.


Time, Space and Compassion is an approach which can be implemented within all sectors and across our communities. Given what we have heard from those with lived experience of suicide and those providing services, it has the potential to improve the experiences of those who seek help at a time of suicidal crisis. This report does not set out to be critical of existing crisis support but to shape a radically different cultural landscape, requiring a different sort of resourcing, in which to deliver a crisis response shaped by the experiences of those in need.

The recommendations presented in this report should be considered a starting point for work in this area. It focuses, in the first instance, on the practical support and evidence required to make this culture shift collaboratively, as well as ensuring the availability of existing crisis services as we emerge from the pandemic. Future suicide prevention strategies and action plans should ensure they build on the work that is undertaken and include learning from this work.

We should never forget the purpose of improving crisis response is to help save lives, to ensure that those who reach the point of suicidal crisis are able to access support at a Time they need it, in an accessible and available Space, and are shown Compassion by those who are providing the support. Every Life Matters.



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