
Tobacco and vaping framework: roadmap to 2034

This focuses on both tobacco and vaping and sets our direction to 2034. It also includes the first implementation plan, which will run until November 2025.

6. Summary of Actions





Wewill work to improve the information around vapes and increase awareness of avenues for support in stopping smoking or vaping

We will run and evaluate a marketing campaign on the dangers of vaping in November 2023


We will work with UK Government and the Devolved Governments and Administrations on 4-nation approaches

We will continue to work with our public health stakeholders over awareness raising and support. This includes Community Pharmacies, Smoking Cessation Services, Public Health Scotland, academics, third sector and voluntary organisations.


We will work to implement the recommendations from the PHS rapid review of smoking cessation services, which will include pregnancy support.

We will continue to support, promote and review the Pharmacy cessation January campaign

We will continue to promote the Quit Your Way approach to Cessation in Scotland



We will consider responses to the consultation on age of sale for tobacco and whether legislation should be brought forward

We will consider if the age of sale of vapes should increase and if so consult on proposals

We will continue to progress restrictions based on the outcome of our 2022 consultation on further tightening the rules on advertising and promotion of vapes.

We will work with the UK Government and Devolved Governments and Administrations on possible further restrictions on vaping products depending on the outcome of the UK wide consultation


We will review potential levers on price as a tool to reduce appeal of tobacco products and inappropriate use of vaping products by children and young people

We will review what further action is required to limit the appeal of inappropriate use of vapes and novel tobacco products


We will continue to work with Trading Standards officers in Scotland on enforcement and investigate ways in which this can be improved


Smoke-free spaces

We will review the implementation and effectiveness of the hospital grounds restrictions

We will review the value and potential implementation of further place-based restrictions

Tobacco and nicotine vapour register

We will manage and review the current register of Tobacco and Nicotine Vapour Products

We will consider opportunities to improve the information and support to retailers on the register to increase compliance with age of sale

We will consider how the register could be improved including possible further conditions on registration


Article 5.3

We will actively promote article 5.3 across Scottish Government and the public sector and publish Scottish specific guidance

We will publish our interactions with organisations with links to the tobacco industry

We will prepare for an audit of article 5.3 at the end of the first implementation plan



The framework will be supported by an oversight group and three workstream governance groups, which will be in place within the six months of the implementation plan


We will set up a short life expert working group to oversee the introduction of indicators to track progress towards 2034. This group will report by the end of the first year of the implementation plan.


We will report on progress at the end of each two-year implementation plan and a new implementation plan will be launched with the key focus points for the next two years included.


Cessation Services

We will continue to fund and support our cessation services, looking to see how we can further develop this critical service

Enforcement services

We will continue to support enforcement activity (including work to reduce illicit trade) in Scotland through the work of Trading Standards officers in Scotland.

Third Sector bodies

We will continue to support voluntary and third sector organisations to help us achieve our target



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