
Total Income from Farming Estimates: 2018-2020

Total Income from Farming (TIFF) is the official measure of the profit gained by the agriculture industry in Scotland. It provides a breakdown of the value of farm production, subsidies and costs.

Scotland has similar levels of income from farming to Wales and North East England

A column chart showing total income from farming per hectare for selected NUTS1 regions in the UK in 2019.

The UK is divided into 11 regions, including Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and eight English regions. These areas, known as NUTS1, are used across Europe. The values are in cash terms and do not account for 2020 inflation.

Total income from farming per hectare in Scotland, 2019 - £147 per hectare

Income in Scotland was similar, per hectare, to that in Wales and the least productive of England's regions, North East England.

The region with the highest income, the East of England generating £634 per hectare, over four times greater than Scotland.

The East of England region mainly produces high value crops and benefits from being closer to infrastructure and having a better climate and soil types that help sustain a wider variety of farming types.



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