Total income from farming: estimates for Scotland 2014-2016

Total income from farming (TIFF) is an estimate of the net income from farming in Scotland in the period 2014 to 2016.

Table 1: Changes in TIFF components 2014 to 2016

Table 1: Changes in TIFF components 2014 to 2016

Table 1: Changes in TIFF components 2014 to 201 

Table 1: Changes in TIFF components 2014 to 2016

(a) also referred to as intermediate consumption
(b) also referred to as total intermediate consumption
(c) also referred to as gross product
(d) includes Farm Woodland Scheme, Farm Woodland Premium Scheme, Farmland Premium Scheme, Countryside Premium Scheme, and Organic Aid Scheme
(e) also referred to as net product
(f) also referred to as compensation of employees


Email: Neil White

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