
Total income from farming: estimates for Scotland 2014-2016

Total income from farming (TIFF) is an estimate of the net income from farming in Scotland in the period 2014 to 2016.

Table 7: NUTS 2 regional TIFF estimates 2015 and 2016 (£ millions)

  output subsidy input TIFF area (ha) TIFF(£) per ha
North East 491 68 415 144 524,000 276
Eastern 1,166 149 1,055 260 1,440,000 181
South West 819 116 694 241 908,000 262
Highlands & Islands 408 111 507 12 2,725,000 5
North East 495 76 412 159 538,000 295
Eastern 1,182 164 1,022 324 1,438,000 226
South West 786 128 679 235 926,000 254
Highlands & Islands 408 123 495 35 2,750,000 13


Email: Neil White

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