
Total Income from Farming Estimates for Scotland, 2016-18

Initial estimates of net income from farming in Scotland for 2018, and revisions to estimates for previous years.

Farm costs increased, particularly in feed and labour

Farm costs increased, particularly in feed and labour

Many of the costs for 2018 are very much estimates as most of the data will not be available until next year.

Total inputs to farming in 2018 - £3.01 billion

Total inputs to farming were estimated to have increased in 2018. The figure of £3.01 billion is up on the revised 2017 total of £2.86 billion.

The main causes of the increase were feed and labour costs.

Feed costs were estimated to have increased by £74 million due to the poor harvest and increased prices. Labour costs increased by £26 million due to increases in average wages.

Fuel costs for machinery and vehicles were estimated to rise by about £18 million.


Email: Mal Cooke

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