
Total Income from Farming Estimates for Scotland, 2016-18

Initial estimates of net income from farming in Scotland for 2018, and revisions to estimates for previous years.

North Eastern Scotland was the most productive region per hectare

North Eastern Scotland was the most productive region per hectare

Total income from farming in North Eastern Scotland - £150 million or £281 per hectare

Scotland is divided into five regions, though they have very different sizes in terms of agricultural area.

Eastern Scotland created the most profit (£260 million), but once area is taken into account the North Eastern region created the most profit in proportion to its size (£281 per hectare, compared to Eastern Scotland’s £249 per hectare). Southern Scotland had the most output, but also had high costs.

Highlands and Islands is very large, but has relatively little agricultural profit per hectare (£12 per hectare). West Central Scotland is very small, being mainly the urban area around Glasgow. What agriculture there is is not estimated to make a large profit (£33 per hectare). Both regions were projected to make a loss if subsidies were excluded.


Email: Mal Cooke

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