
Tourism in Scotland: the economic contribution of the sector

A report commissioned by the Tourism Leadership Group setting out economic data and trends on tourism across Scotland.





4 All data correct as of 27th March 2018.

5 OECD, 2018, Tourism Trends and Policies 2018, p 26. id&accname=guest&checksum=F99B3AC2F9FA71F9B6F7F54352EAE5F4

6 Source: UN World Tourism Organisation (2017), UNWTO Tourism Highlights 2017.

7 Change source: VisitBritain (2017) Regional Spread of Inbound Tourism.

8 Source: ONS (2017), Great Britain Visitor Survey, International Passenger Survey.

9 Data for Scotland and Rest of GB trips relate to 2015, while data on overseas trips relate to 2016.

10 Association of Leading Visitor Attractions (2018), Latest Visitor Figures.

11 Source: ONS (2017), Great Britain Tourism Survey / International Passenger Survey

12 In this document, financial data are presented in 2016 prices, unless otherwise stated. Data have been converted to 2016 prices (real terms) using HM Treasury’s GDP deflators at market prices, and money GDP December 2017 (Quarterly National Accounts).

13 Domestic Overnight Expenditure values are based on three year annual average for period 2014-16

14 All data correct as of 27th March 2018.

15 Scottish Government (2018), Growth Sector Statistics Database.

16 Scottish Government (2018) Growth Sector Statistics Database

17 Source: Annual Population Survey, Jan-Dec 2017, ONS

18 UK Commission’s Employer Skills Survey ( UKCESS) 2015, Scotland Toolkit

19 Source: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, 2017, ONS

20 The analysis in Figure 3 makes use of location quotients to illustrate the relative importance of employment in different areas. These compare the proportion of jobs in a local authority that are in Sustainable Tourism against the proportion of all jobs in Scotland that are in Sustainable Tourism. In a local authority with a location quotient greater than 1.0, the proportion of jobs in Sustainable Tourism is higher than in Scotland as a whole; in a local authority with a location quotient lower than 1.0 the proportion of jobs in Sustainable Tourism is lower than in Scotland as a whole.

21 As defined by Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification.

22 Scottish Government (2018), Understanding the Scottish Rural Economy.

23 Scottish GVA figures exclude the financial sector and parts of agriculture and the public sector. Financial and Business Services relates only to those sectors fully covered in the Annual Business Survey (so excludes financial and insurance activities). Consequently, a Financial and Business Services Scotland total for GVA and estimate for productivity are not provided in the Growth Sectors Database, and are therefore not available for this report.

24 From 1 January 2016, the coverage of the ONS Standard Business Survey Population was extended to include a population of solely Pay As You Earn ( PAYE)-based businesses. The impact on figures is minor, but this should be noted when comparing employment figures before and after 2015. businessregisterandemploymentsurveybresprovisionalresults/provisionalresults2016revisedresults2015#impact-of-additional-paye-units

25 Scottish Government (2018) Growth Sector Statistics Database

26 The index represents the volume of GVA created compared to the ‘base’ year (currently 2014). Figures are deflated to remove the effect of price changes over time to produce an estimate of real terms (or constant price) growth. The figures are seasonally adjusted to remove the effects of regular, calendar based cycles in certain industries.

27 On average, tourism directly contributes 4.2% of GDP, and 6.9% of employment in OECD countries ( OECD, 2018, Tourism Trends and Policies 2018, p 26). tour-2018-en.pdf?expires=1522315120&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=F99B3AC2F9FA71F9B6F7F54352EAE5F4 28 Scottish Government (2017), Export Statistics Scotland.

29 ONS, Great Britain Tourism Survey, International Passenger Survey

30 Scottish Government (2017), Input-Output Tables.

31 Scottish Government (2015), Scotland’s Economic Strategy. /publications/scotlands-economic-strategy/


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