
Tourism statistics

Information on where to find up-to-date information on tourism statistics in Scotland.

Tourism statistics can be found via the following sources:

Office for National Statistics (ONS)

Leisure and tourism
Visits and visitors to the UK, the reasons for visiting and the amount of money they spent here. Also UK residents travelling abroad, their reasons for travel and the amount of money they spent. The statistics on UK residents travelling abroad are an informal indicator of living standards.


Visitors from the UK
Our UK market represents a significant proportion of the visitors Scotland welcomes each year. Understanding more about who they are, how they behave and the preferences they have for their visits can offer a real advantage to those in the tourism industry.

International visitors
Scotland’s tourism economy enjoys a healthy international market that includes a variety of well-established and emerging demographics. Those who flock from around the globe to enjoy Scotland’s world-class attractions and experiences make a huge contribution to the overall health of our industry – so it’s vital we have a clear understanding of them.

The stats behind the stays - whether you’re looking for occupancy information on self-catering properties or caravans.

Industry barometer
In partnership with local councils and destination organisations, VisitScotland have been inviting businesses to participate in our survey to capture tourism business performance in their regions.


Inbound tourism performance in Britain
A wealth of data, covering inbound tourism trends, visits to nations, regions, counties and towns in Britain, as well as popular activities undertaken by visitors in Britain.

Scottish Household Survey 

Culture and heritage section




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