
Towards a litter-free Scotland: a strategic approach to higher quality local environments

This national litter strategy sets out how Scotland can significantly reduce litter and flytipping and support cleaner, safer communities.

5. Building on the Consultation Annex A

Environmental statement

5.1 An environmental report was published to support the national litter strategy consultation. Feedback on it has been taken into consideration when finalising the strategy. The Post-Adoption Strategic Environmental Assessment statement provides further details.

Equality Impact Assessment

5.2 An Equality Impact Assessment has been prepared to support the strategy's implementation. As delivery partners update their approaches they should reflect the continuing need to follow equality legislation and take account of best-practice, for example in delivering inclusive communications.

Partial Business Regulatory Impact Assessment ( BRIA)

5.3 The purpose of a BRIA is to inform consideration of legislation or regulation and its impact on public sector or business. The high-level nature of the strategy means that there is no update to the consultation's partial BRIA at this stage. We will reflect on the consultation responses and further BRIAs will be produced to cover future legislation.


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