
Towards a litter-free Scotland: a strategic approach to higher quality local environments

This national litter strategy sets out how Scotland can significantly reduce litter and flytipping and support cleaner, safer communities.

6. Influencing Behaviour Annex B

6.1 This strategy is informed by the Scottish Government's approach to influencing people's behaviour.

6.2 It is based on research and evidence that people's choices and behaviours are influenced by three contexts - the Individual, the Social and the Material ( ISM).

6.3 Interventions to change behaviours - in this case littering, flytipping and recycling in public places - need to take account of all three contexts in order to have a greater impact.

6.4 The table below summarises the three ISM contexts and gives examples of how these are supported by actions within this strategy. (This is not a comprehensive summary.)



Example actions within this strategy


Includes an individual's values, attitudes, habits and skills, and their personal evaluations of the costs and benefits of an action.

  • Information (communications and education).
  • Enforcement (increased fixed penalties, and the organisations with the powers to issue these).


Includes understandings that are shared amongst groups ( e.g. social norms and shared meanings), people's networks and relationships, and the institutions that influence how groups behave.

  • Information (community action).
  • Enforcement (training for staff with litter and flytipping duties).


Factors 'out there' in the environment and wider world. These include infrastructures, technologies and regulations, as well as other 'softer' influences such as time and the schedules of everyday life.

  • Infrastructure (Recycle on the Go facilities; product and service design).

6.5 Alternative formats or translations into other languages are available on request:

Zero Waste Delivery Team, Scottish Government
Area 1-D North, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ


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