
Early learning and childcare practitioners: training modules

Free online modules available to all early learning and childcare (ELC) practitioners providers and open to all ELC workers.

This suite of free online modules is available to all ELC providers and open to all ELC workers – not just those delivering the statutory entitlement.

You can access the courses on SSSC’s Learning Zone.

We know that the single most important driver of the quality of a child’s early learning and childcare (ELC) experience is a high quality workforce. Continuous professional learning (CPL) is an essential component of ELC quality and is linked to children’s development. We want a well-trained, professional and skilled workforce with access to high quality training resources to help deliver the best ELC experience for our children. Evidence suggests that CPL helps ensure staff are aware of best practice and are continually supported in their workplace.

Being an online resource these modules also seek to address barriers to learning through virtual and distance models, providing flexible, accessible and affordable learning. You can access the modules on the SSSC website and the National CPL Directory for ELC.


Link and instructions

Module 1: Understanding the social factors which may impact on children’s outcomes in the early years.


Create an account and search for ‘social factors’

Module 2: Supporting parents to further engage in their children’s development.


Create an account and search for ‘supporting parents’

Module 3: Supporting the development and progression of children’s early language and literacy.


Create an account and search for “language” or "literacy" to enrol

Module 4: Developing an understanding of curriculum rationale.

Module 4 - Developing an understanding of curriculum rationale (

Module 5: Tracking and monitoring.

Module 5 - Tracking and monitoring (

Module 6: Building confidence in identifying and responding to additional support needs.

Building confidence in identifying and responding to additional support needs - Identifying and responding to additional support needs in ELC (

Module 7: Staff skills, knowledge and confidence in delivering learning in STEM subjects. 


Create an account and search for “STEM” to enrol


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