
Children's hearings training resource manual: volume 1

Volume 1 contains the Children's Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 and new rules regarding legislation and procedures.

Section 18 Glossary of Terms




Compulsory supervision order
Section 83


An order in relation to the child containing at least one measure and specifying the authority responsible for implementing its terms. Lasts for a relevant period generally up to one year.

Interim compulsory supervision order
Section 86


An interim order in relation to the child which may contain a measure. Issued as a matter of urgency for the protection, guidance treatment or control of the child when there is no compulsory supervision order in place. It can last for up to 22 days and may be extended up to 66 days if application for proof is pending.

Interim variation of an compulsory supervision order
Section 140


An interim order in relation to the child which may contain a measure. Issued as a matter of urgency for the protection, guidance treatment or control of the child when there is a compulsory supervision order in place. Can last for up to 22 days but then ends. New interim variations can be made.

Medical examination order
Section 87


An interim order in relation to the child when a ground has been accepted or established: to be used in very limited and specific circumstances. May include a measure. It can last for 22 days.

Child protection order
Ss 37-54


An order in relation to the child issued by court for the immediate protection of a child and reviewed by subsequent children's hearings.

Child assessment order
Section 36


An order in relation to the child issued by court for the assessment of the child.

Warrant to secure the child's attendance
Section 45


Warrant issued for the police to search for a child, apprehend and take them to a place of safety until a children's hearing is convened. Can include secure authorisation.

Movement restriction condition


A restriction on the movements of the child included in an order in relation to a child. An MRC must be considered by a hearing before authorising secure accommodation

Pre-hearing panel
Section 79-82


A meeting involving three panel members and potentially the child and relevant persons to discuss and determine business before a children's hearing in relation to the child. May appoint a safeguarder.



An option available to a children's hearing. The hearing will continue matters and not make a substantive decision until a subsequent hearing. Interim decisions can still be made

Scottish Legal Aid Board


An agency which is responsible for ensuring legal assistance for children automatically in certain situations and determining whether legal assistance should be provided to a child and/or relevant person/s in other situations if referred by a children's hearing.


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