Transforming Places Together: digital strategy for planning

This strategy defines a long-term strategic direction for how Scotland’s planning system will digitally transform, embracing the opportunities new digital technologies and data present. It sets out what we intend to deliver, why this is needed and the benefits this transformation will bring.

Our Vision

For Scotland to have a world leading digital planning system that helps connect people with their places to deliver a prosperous, green and fair country.

Scotland’s planning sector is ready for change. It is ready to look forward and become digitally enabled, to help planning realise its full potential. This bold vision for digital describes a way forward that is both aspiring and achievable for Scotland’s planning system and by working alongside policy reform will deliver real change. It sets a long-term, compelling ambition for a Scotland embracing the opportunities digital brings.

Our Vision reflects the key role digital will play in ensuring the planning service becomes an enabler of sustainable development, supporting our net zero interests and bringing people together to deliver great places. We start from a position of solid understanding of those aspects that need to change, how to change and with a clear view of the pivotal impact this transformation will bring. Most crucially, we know that our partners in local government, in business and industry and in community sectors share the vision set out here. We are committed to work in partnership, benefiting from the wealth of expertise, knowledge and commitment that exists across the sector, to realise the vision.

To achieve this requires a coordinated approach through a cohesive national programme that will deliver benefits to all corners of Scotland. This Strategy defines how we start the journey towards delivering the vision of a digitally enabled planning system. It sets out a framework that form the cornerstone of the digital transformation programme to create a planning system that is flexible, responsive and ready to embrace future change.

The Framework

  • Our Vision
    Our ambition for Scotland and its people
  • Five Missions
    What we will do to deliver our vision
  • Impacts, Outcomes & Benefits
    Why this matters for the people of Scotland

Guiding Principles
How we will work together to deliver this



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