Transforming Roles paper 6: role of the general practice nurse 2025

This refreshed paper sets out the changing role of the General Practice Nurse, to support the future workforce and reflect changes in health and social care policy. This paper is part of a wider review of the Transforming Roles Programme.


The GPN is an integral and essential core member of the general practice multi-disciplinary team (MDT), as well as the wider health and social care system. Many factors have influenced and changed the nursing role in general practice since the publication of the first Transforming Roles Paper 6.

Since 2018, we have seen the introduction of Health Board employed MDTs as part of the General Medical Services (GMS) Contract. They provide services previously delivered by general practice and GPNs, including the Vaccination Transformation Programme (VTP), Community Treatment and Care Services (CTACs) and Pharmacotherapy. The GPN role has adapted as a result of processes of care being aligned with these other members of the MDT. One area which has had the largest impact is the nursing role in long-term condition care and population health outcomes. These changes, along with others, have outlined a need to clearly define the role, including refreshed knowledge and skills in each level of practice.

This is particularly important when we consider that the demographics of general practice patient populations are changing. The most recent Scottish Health survey estimates that around 38% of the Scottish population is living with a limiting long-term condition[2], with the proportion of adults living with a limiting long-term condition increasing with age. We also know that those who live in more deprived areas are more likely to experience poorer health outcomes from living with long-term conditions[3]. As the population is living longer with increasing co-morbidities and complexity, the priorities of the GPN role needs to refocus to respond to the changing demographics[4] and health care need.



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