
Transforming social care: Scotland's progress towards implementing self-directed support 2011-2018

Progress made towards implementing self-directed support in Scotland between 2011 and 2018.

Immediate next steps

  • The demand for greater creativity and flexibility in how workers and services operate is highlighting challenges with the existing categories for registration set under the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010. The Care Inspectorate, the Scottish Government, SSSC and other stakeholders are exploring the benefits and consequences of reviewing and changing the legislation.
  • There is substantial interest in sharing the good practice identified in this report in more detail. A recently published SWS report expands on the research carried out for this report, and regional events will share practice further. The 250+ tools created under Scottish Government funding will also be made more visible and promoted more strongly.
  • Building on an evaluability assessment currently in progress, the Scottish Government will review and refine the existing evidence framework and identify what data and evidence is required to evaluate the implementation and impact of self-directed support. This will include reviewing the utility and quality of existing evidence and making proposals for new data as necessary.
  • The Scottish Government, COSLA and partners will report on progress towards implementation on a regular basis.



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