Transforming specialist dementia hospital care: independent report

Commissioned by the Scottish Government to investigate specialist dementia hospital care, with recommendations for service modernisation.

Transforming Specialist Dementia Hospital Care

This report is part of the consensus-based stakeholder response to the Mental Welfare Commission's report into specialist NHS dementia care in 2014. It is an independent review of the sector commissioned by The Scottish Government, and makes recommendations on the modernisation of specialist NHS dementia care. This work was led by Alzheimer Scotland's National Dementia Nurse Consultant, a post that was jointly funded by Alzheimer Scotland and the Scottish Government.

The development of this report was led by Maureen Taggart, Alzheimer Scotland National Dementia Nurse Consultant

This report was researched and written by:
Maureen Taggart and Lindsay Kinnaird, Research Manager, Alzheimer Scotland

Report design by Andrew Palfreyman, Alzheimer Scotland

Please cite as: "Transforming Specialist Dementia Hospital Care, Alzheimer Scotland, 2018"

Published June 2018

With grateful acknowledgment to:

Our NHS colleagues who made this unique insight possible
Alzheimer Scotland colleagues
Alzheimer Scotland Carers Reference Groups
Care Inspectorate
Health Care Improvement Scotland
Knowledge Services, NHS Lanarkshire
Mental Welfare Commission
National Dementia Carers Action Network
National Nurse and Allied Health Professionals Consultants Group
National Education for Scotland
Scottish Dementia Working Group


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