
Just transition for the built environment and construction sector: a discussion paper

This discussion paper is intended to support engagement on a just transition for the built environment and construction sector. Building on this engagement, a draft targeted action plan and route map (late 23/24) will outline the key steps to delivering a fair transition for the sector.


1. CITB Industry Insights & Analysis: Buildings Skills for Net Zero in Scotland (March, 2021)

2. Scottish Annual Business Statistics, 2020; Business Register and Employment Survey, 2021

3. Construction Data Dashboard: Industry Reach — Scottish Construction Industry Data Dashboard (

4. The Health Foundation, Proportion of properties built before 1919 by local authority, (August 2021) Proportion of properties built before 1919 by local authority - The Health Foundation; BRETrust, The Housing Stock of the United Kingdom (Feb 2020) The-Housing-Stock-of-the-United-Kingdom_Report_BRE-Trust.pdf (

5. BEIS, Energy Follow Up Survey: Thermal Comfort, Damp and Ventilation, s.1 (September, 2021) Energy Follow Up Survey (EFUS) 2017 reports - GOV.UK (

6. House of Commons Library, Research Briefing: Health inequalities: Cold or damp homes (Feb 2023): CBP-9696.pdf (

7. The 2019 Climate Change Act includes Just Transition Principles – meaning climate action must be taken in a way which “develops and maintains consensus through engagement with workers, trade unions, communities, non-governmental organisations, representatives of the interests of business and industry.”

8. Learning Estate Investment Programme - Scottish Futures Trust

9. Construction Leadership Forum, Pipeline Forecast Tool: Our Pipeline | Construction Leadership Forum (

10. UKG Environmental and Audit Committee, Building to net zero: costing carbon in construction - Environmental Audit Committee ( p.16

11. CITB, building_skills_net_zero_scotland_summary.pdf (

12. Skills Development Scotland, Sectoral Skills Assessment: Construction (November 2022) PowerPoint Presentation (

13. Fair Work Convention, Building Fair Work in the Construction Industry Fair Work Convention Construction Inquiry Report 2022, Fair-Work-Construction-Inquiry-Report-2022.pdf ( Recommendations p. 104

14. The Edge Foundation, Greening Construction: A complex challenge for jobs, skills and training (March 2022) Greening Construction: A complex challenge for jobs, skills, and training | Edge Foundation

15. CITB, Rethinking Recruitment: Construction a more industry (Jan 2022) rethinking-recruitment-constructing-a-more attractiveindustry-january-2022.pdf (

16. CITB, Skills, Training in the Construction Industry 2021, (2022) citb-skills-and-training-report-2021.pdf

17. Construction Leadership Forum, National Construction Equity and Inclusion Plan (Sep 2022) National Construction Equity and Inclusion Plan (

18. The K-Briq: The World’s First 90% Recycled Brick - Case Study - BE-ST

19. Green Alliance, Circular Construction: Buildings for a greener UK economy (March 2023), Drewniok, Michal P. and Azevedo, José M. Cruz and Dunant, Cyrille F. and Hawkins, Will (2022) Mapping material use and modelling the embodied carbon in UK construction. University of Leeds. [Dataset]

20. Climate Change Committee, Biomass in a low-carbon economy, (Nov 18) Biomass-in-a-low-carbon-economy-CCC 2018.pdf (

21. Green Alliance Circular Construction: Buildings for a greener UK economy

22. Arup, Realising the value from circular economy in real estate, Realising the value from circular economy in real estate - Arup

23. Ranjit Bassit et al, Benefits of Modern Methods of Housing: Performance Data and Case Studies, Benefits-of-MMC-in housing- Performance-data-and-case-studies_final.pdf (

24. Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee, The role of local government and its cross-sectoral partners in financing and delivering a net-zero Scotland, 1st Report, (Jan 2023)

25. Green Alliance p 32; UKG Environmental and Audit Committee, Building to net zero: costing carbon in Construction: First Report of Session 2022-23, (May 2022) Sustainability of the built environment (

26. Report prepared by AECOM for the Climate Change Committee, Option for incorporating embodied and sequestered carbon into the building standards framework, (July 2019) Options for incorporating embodied and sequestered carbon into the building standards framework (AECOM) - Climate Change Committee (

27. Net Zero Public Sector Buildings Standard - Scottish Futures Trust

28. Centre for Local Economic Strategies, A roadmap to decarbonisation: Retrofit of social housing stock in the South of Scotland, (Nov 2022) [Report Title] (

29. IndiNature | Scottish National Investment Bank (

30. Scottish Futures Trust, Hub network: hub - Scottish Futures Trust



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