Just Transition: draft plan for transport in Scotland

This draft plan identifies the key challenges and opportunities that the transport sector faces in making a just transition to net zero. We are seeking views as part of a public consultation, which will run until 19th May 2025.

Annex B: Monitoring and Evaluation

This section details the set of indicators we will use to monitor our progress towards the Transport Just Transition Plan outcomes.

These outcome indicators have been selected following a comprehensive review of a wide range of published data sources, experimental data, and bespoke research reports. Each indicator has been assessed for relevance, accuracy, availability, and timing. For some outcomes, there are gaps in data availability which make it challenging to identify a robust indicator at this time. In these instances, we are working on data development and any alternative sources of information that we will use to track progress on an interim basis.

We will collaborate with stakeholders across industry, academia and the public sector in the coming months to build on these published metrics and develop a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation framework. This will include working closely with the Just Transition Commission to ensure our approach is aligned with recently commissioned research on monitoring of a just transition in Scotland.

Jobs, Skills and Economic Opportunities outcomes

Outcome 1: The net zero transition supports new and existing well-paid jobs across Scotland, within transport services, supply chains and in the wider economy.

Indicator 1.1: Total transport employment
Description Total employment in the transport sector (using a 5 digit SIC code definition of the transport industry)
Source Business Register and Employment Survey
Quality assessment A measure of new jobs in transport. Publicly available and annually updated data. The source is survey-based so limitations to data collection and annual comparison.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate
Indicator 1.2: Transport salaries
Description Median weekly gross pay in Section H Transportation and Storage
Source Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings
Quality assessment A measure of transport jobs being well-paid. Publicly available and annually updated data. The source is survey-based so limitations to data collection and annual comparison.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate
Indicator 1.3: Journey times to areas of employment
Description The number of datazones from which it is not possible for people to reach a ‘core employment site’ by public transport within a four-hour window (6am-10am on Tuesday)
Source NTS2 commissioned analysis
Quality assessment A proxy to measure the transport system supporting access to employment. Publicly available and commissioned ad hoc to support NTS2 monitoring.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate

Outcome 2: The transport sector supports diversity in the workforce, advances equality of opportunities for all, and is underpinned by a commitment to fair work.

Indicator 2.1: Gender balance
Description The percentage of employees in Section H Transportation and Storage industry that are male and female
Source Annual Population Survey
Quality assessment A proxy measure for workforce diversification. Publicly available and quarterly updated data. The source is survey-based and subject to wide year-on-year variations at this level.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate
Indicator 2.2: Age profile
Description The percentage of employees in Section H Transportation and Storage industry that are aged 16-24 and 50 or over
Source Annual Population Survey
Quality assessment A proxy measure for workforce diversification. Publicly available and quarterly updated data. The source is survey-based and subject to wide year-on-year variations at this level.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate
Indicator 2.3: Gender pay gap
Description The difference between male and female full-time hourly earnings in the transport sector. Aligns with the National Performance Framework
Source Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings
Quality assessment A proxy measure for fair work. Publicly available and annually updated data. The source is survey-based and subject to wide year-on-year variations at this level.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate

Outcome 3: Businesses currently relying on fossil fuel vehicles are supported to transition to zero emissions alternatives.

Indicator 3.1: Proportion of low carbon LGVs and HGVs
Description Proportion and number of Light Goods Vehicles and Heavy Goods Vehicles that are low carbon
Source Department for Transport, Vehicle Licensing Statistics
Quality assessment A proxy measure for business ability to transition fleets to low carbon alternatives. Publicly available and quarterly updated data. High quality data based on vehicle registrations.
Quality Indicator Rating Strong
Indicator 3.2: Proportion of low carbon buses and coaches
Description Proportion and number of buses and coaches that are low carbon
Source Department for Transport, Vehicle Licensing Statistics
Quality assessment A proxy measure for business ability to transition fleets to low carbon alternatives. Publicly available and quarterly updated data. High quality data based on vehicle registrations.
Quality Indicator Rating Strong

Outcome 4: Scottish zero emission vehicle manufacturers and their supply chain can access growing domestic and international markets for their products.

Indicator 4.1: Value of transport exports
Description Total value of Transportation and Storage exports to the rest of UK and internationally
Source Export Statistics Scotland
Quality assessment A proxy measure for business ability to export products to international markets. Publicly available data with long lag times. The source is survey-based and subject to wide year-on-year variations at this level.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate
Indicator 4.2: Innovation active businesses
Description Percentage of Transportation and Storage businesses engaging in innovation activities in Scotland
Source UK Innovation Survey
Quality assessment A proxy measure for business ability to innovate in the net zero transition. Data cannot be isolated for net zero innovation only. Publicly available data with long lag times. The source is survey-based and subject to wide year-on-year variations at this level.
Quality Indicator Rating Weak

Communities and Place outcomes

Outcome 5: Communities (including in rural and suburban areas) are well connected, having better digital connectivity and shared transport options that meet their local needs.

Indicator 5.1: Digital connectivity
Description Does your household currently have access to the internet from home? Split by six-fold Urban Rural Classification
Source Scottish Household Survey
Quality assessment A measure of digital connectivity. Publicly available data with two-year lag time. The source is a robust and representative survey of Scottish households.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate
Indicator 5.2: Car and bike share scheme users
Description Number of car club members and size of fleet and bike share scheme users in Scotland
Source CoMoUk Annual Car Club and Bike Share Reports
Quality assessment A measure of the availability and use of car and bike share schemes. Publicly available and annually updated data. High quality data based on scheme registrations.
Quality Indicator Rating Strong
Indicator 5.3: Shared transport uptake
Description Percentage of adults in Scotland who often or sometimes a) car share informally, b) use a formal shared transport service
Source Scottish Climate Survey
Quality assessment A measure of the availability and uptake of informal and formal shared transport options. The source is a new random probability survey of Scottish households. Data will be made publicly available in 2025. Survey repetition is intended but not guaranteed.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate

Outcome 6: Transport and the planning systems give communities access to the local services and amenities they need.

Indicator 6.1: Journey time to basic services
Description Percentage of datazones that can access, within 20 mins via public transport, basic services and education provision
Source NTS2 commissioned analysis
Quality assessment A proxy to measure the transport system enabling communities to access the services they need. Publicly available and commissioned ad hoc to support NTS2 monitoring.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate

Outcome 7: Island communities are well connected on island, to other islands, and to the mainland, with affordable and low carbon transport options.

Indicator 7.1: Satisfaction with island ferry travel
Description Island resident’s satisfaction (in terms of reliability and cost) of inter-island ferries and island-mainland ferries
Source Scottish Government, National Islands Plan Survey
Quality assessment A measure of island communities being well connected to other islands and the mainland. The source is a Scottish Government survey of island residents with a robust sample. Publicly available data. Survey repetition is intended but not guaranteed.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate
Indicator 7.2: Satisfaction with island air travel
Description Island resident’s satisfaction (in terms of reliability and cost) of inter-island air services and island-mainland air services
Source Scottish Government, National Islands Plan Survey
Quality assessment A measure of island communities being well connected to other islands and the mainland. The source is a Scottish Government survey of island residents with a robust sample. Publicly available data. Survey repetition is intended but not guaranteed.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate
Indicator 7.3: Satisfaction with island bus travel
Description Island resident’s satisfaction (in terms of reliability and cost) of their local on-island bus service
Source Scottish Government, National Islands Plan Survey
Quality assessment A measure of island communities being well connected on island. The source is a Scottish Government survey of island residents with a robust sample. Publicly available data. Survey repetition is intended but not guaranteed.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate

Outcome 8: Communities are actively involved in decision-making processes around their transport and connectivity needs.

Indicator 8.1: Interest in transport decision-making
Description Proportion of adults in Scotland who are willing to give up some time to be involved in making decisions about transport in their local area
Source Scottish Climate Survey
Quality assessment A measure of public willingness to be involved in local transport decision-making. The source is a new random probability survey of Scottish households. Data will be made publicly available in 2025. Survey repetition is intended but not guaranteed.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate
Indicator 8.2: Involvement in transport decision-making
Description Proportion of adults in Scotland who have been involved in decisions about transport in their local area in the last 12 months, and how they have done this
Source Scottish Climate Survey
Quality assessment A measure of the scale and mode of public involvement in local transport decision-making. The source is a new random probability survey of Scottish households. Data will be made publicly available in 2025. Survey repetition is intended but not guaranteed.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate

People and Equity outcomes

Outcome 9: Transport options are safe and secure for all, especially vulnerable people.

Indicator 9.1: Transport safety
Description Perceptions of safety on public transport and active modes
Source Scottish Household Survey
Quality assessment A measure of the perceived safety of public transport and active travel transport modes. Publicly available data with two-year lag time. The source is a robust and representative survey of Scottish households.
Quality Indicator Rating Strong

Outcome 10: Transport is accessible and easy to use for all, especially those with additional accessibility needs and isolated people.

Indicator 10.1: Transport accessibility
Description Percentage of adults in Scotland who do not use buses or trains because of lack of service
Source Scottish Household Survey
Quality assessment A proxy measure for the accessibility of bus and train services. Publicly available data with two-year lag time. The source is a robust and representative survey of Scottish households.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate
Indicator 10.2: Satisfaction with public transport
Description Percentage of a) all adults, and b) disabled adults, who are satisfied with public transport
Source Scottish Household Survey
Quality assessment A proxy measure for whether public transport options are accessible and easy to use, particularly for adults with disabilities. Publicly available data with two-year lag time. The source is a robust and representative survey of Scottish households.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate

Outcome 11: Transport options are affordable and the transition to decarbonised transport does not disproportionately burden on those with least choice and ability to pay.

Indicator 11.1: Transport affordability
Description Overall, how easy or difficult do you find it to afford your individuals travel costs? For a) all households, b) households with annual net income up to £10,000, and c) SIMD 20% most deprived
Source Scottish Household Survey
Quality assessment A proxy measure for the cost of transport impacting on those with least ability to pay (i.e. those on low incomes and in deprived areas). Publicly available data with two-year lag time. The source is a robust and representative survey of Scottish households.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate
Indicator 11.2: Spend on transport, by lowest income and most deprived
Description Average (mean) weekly spend on public transport, for a) all households, b) households with annual net income up to £15,000, and c) SIMD 20% most deprived
Source Scottish Household Survey
Quality assessment A proxy measure for the cost of public transport impact on those with least ability to pay. Publicly available data with two-year lag time. The source is a robust and representative survey of Scottish households. Aligns with National Transport Strategy
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate

Outcome 12: Access and support for active travel options leads to healthier outcomes.

Indicator 12.1: Active travel prevalence
Description Proportion of short journeys made by active travel
Source Scottish Household Survey
Quality assessment A proxy measure for the uptake of active travel options. Publicly available data with two-year lag time. The source is a robust and representative survey of Scottish households.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate
Indicator 12.2: Health benefits from active travel
Description Proportion of adults in Scotland who have improved their a) physical health, b) mental health, and c) feel more connected to their community, as a result of using active travel rather than cars
Source Scottish Climate Survey
Quality assessment A measure of positive health outcomes as a direct result of active travel uptake. The source is a new random probability survey of Scottish households. Data will be made publicly available in 2025. Survey repetition is intended but not guaranteed.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate
Indicator 12.3: Proximity to cycling infrastructure
Description Proportion of households within ten minutes of traffic-free cycling infrastructure
Source Transport Scotland
Quality assessment This indicator is currently being developed by Transport Scotland for the Active Travel Outcomes Framework. Timing of data collection is currently unknown. Aligns with National Transport Strategy
Quality Indicator Rating Weak

Adaptation, Biodiversity and Environment outcomes

Outcome 13: Transport infrastructure is, where practicable, designed and operated to maintain and increase biodiversity levels and improve habitats.

Indicator 13.1: TBC
Description Metric to measure natural capital for Scotland’s trunk road network currently under development
Source Transport Scotland
Quality assessment Metric under development so unable to assessment indicator quality. Will be able to measure change over time.
Quality Indicator Rating Weak (as indicator is under development)

Outcome 14: The transport transition has contributed to improvements in air quality across Scotland.

Indicator 14.1: Air pollutants from transport sources
Description Emissions of the nine main air pollutants that are relevant to/and from Transport Sources
Source National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory
Quality assessment Levels of air pollution as a result of transport activities, as a measure for air quality. Publicly available data with two-year lag time. The presents data with a high level of accuracy.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate
Indicator 14.2: Deaths from poor air quality
Description The number of premature deaths in Scotland each year attributed to long-term exposure to poor air quality
Source Public Health Scotland
Quality assessment A proxy measure for levels of air pollution contributing to negative health outcomes, acknowledging that transport is one of the main causes of poor air quality. Publicly available data, taking a range from various estimates.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate

Outcome 15: The transport system is prepared for the current and future impacts of climate change and is safe for all users, reliable for everyday journeys and resilient to weather-related disruption.

Indicator 15.1: Ferry service cancellations
Description Number of ferry service cancellations per annum in Scotland (weather related and technical faults)
Source Transport Scotland
Quality assessment A measure of the ability of Scotland’s ferry services to adapt and prepare for climate impacts. Publicly available data with a one-year lag time. Accurate data based on a count of cancellations. Aligns with SNAP3
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate
Indicator 15.2: Weather-related train service delays
Description Number of weather-related train delays per annum in Scotland
Source Network Rail
Quality assessment TBC. Aligns with SNAP3
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate
Indicator 15.3: Roads requiring maintenance
Description Proportion of local authority roads which may require maintenance
Source Transport Scotland
Quality assessment TBC. Aligns with SNAP3
Quality Indicator Rating TBC

Outcome 16: Scotland’s supply chain has minimised and mitigated embedded carbon and the wider environmental impacts associated with vehicle production, use and disposal.

Indicator 16.1: Transport greenhouse gas emissions
Description Scottish greenhouse gas emissions for the Domestic Transport Territorial Emissions Statistics Sector
Source Scottish Government Greenhouse Gas Emissions Statistics
Quality assessment A proxy measure of the transport sector minimising the environmental impacts of vehicle production and use. Publicly available data with a two-year lag time. Source is official statistics on Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions by sector.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate
Indicator 16.2: Transport embedded carbon
Description Embedded emissions of direct household travel and embedded emissions associated with the production of road vehicles ultimately purchased in Scotland
Source Scotland’s Carbon Footprint Statistics
Quality assessment A proxy measure of the transport sector minimising embedded carbon associated with road vehicle production and purchase by Scottish consumers. Publicly available data with a four-year lag time. Source is official statistics on Scotland’s carbon footprint, i.e. modelled estimates of greenhouse gas emissions on a consumption basis.
Quality Indicator Rating Moderate


Email: TJTP@gov.scot

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