
Just Transition - A Fairer, Greener Scotland: Scottish Government response

The Scottish Government's initial response to the final report of the Just Transition Commission. It sets out our long-term vision for just transition and provides details on our National Just Transition Planning Framework.

What Next

This document has set out our initial response to the Just Transition Commission's report.

Providing certainty on what we will plan and when we will plan is essential to help partners maximise their engagement in the process and begin early preparations for the nature and scale of the transition. With this mind, we commit to our first Just Transition Plan being the forthcoming Scottish Energy Strategy. Following the completion of the National Strategy for Economic Transformation, we will confirm which plans will follow.

Holding us to account

The Minister for Just Transition, Employment and Fair Work will provide an annual statement to Parliament. This will give a comprehensive update on progress developing and delivering Just Transition Plans and wider actions taken by Government relating to just transition.

A new Just Transition Commission will provide both scrutiny and advice on the delivery of our just transition priorities.



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