
Transitions to adulthood strategy: statement of intent - easy read

Easy read version of the statement of intent summarises research and engagement to date on Scotland’s first National Transitions to Adulthood Strategy, and sets out what the Scottish Government has heard it should focus on in order to improve experiences of transitions for Scotland’s disabled young people.

Our priorities

Our priorities are the things we have heard the strategy should focus on to improve the transition to adulthood better for disabled young people. They are:

1. Choice, control, and power for young people

Disabled young people should be at the centre of planning and decision making for their future. Early transitions planning should be available. It should support young people to achieve their dreams and hopes for the future.

2. Clear information

Disabled young people, their families and others that support them should know their rights and what support is available to them. Information should be clear and easily accessed.

3. Good, joined-up support for young people

The transition to adulthood can involve different services like health, social work, and education. They should all work well together. Good communication across services, young people, and their families is important.

4. Good practice across Scotland

Those supporting disabled young people making the transition to adulthood should get training. They should be supported to understand and follow the principles of good transitions. These are guidelines to improve support in the transition to adulthood.

5. Information to measure

Measuring good transitions should be about the young person’s whole life. Their experiences of their transition to adulthood, as well as if they access further education or employment after school. All this information should be collected and looked at.



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